69O-157.010. Conversion or Continuation Privilege  

Effective on Monday, January 13, 2003
  • 1(1) Group long-term care insurance issued in this state shall provide covered individuals with a basis for continuation or conversion of coverage.

    23(2) For the purposes of this rule, “a basis for continuation of coverage” means a policy provision which maintains coverage under the existing group policy when such coverage would otherwise terminate and which is subject only to the continued timely payment of premium when due.

    68(3) For the purposes of this rule, “a basis for conversion of coverage” means a policy provision that an individual whose coverage under the group policy would otherwise terminate or has been terminated for any reason, including discontinuance of the group policy in its entirety or with respect to an insured class, and who has been continuously insured under the group policy (and any group policy which it replaced), for at least six months immediately prior to termination, shall be entitled to the issuance of a converted policy by the insurer under whose group policy he or she is covered, without evidence of insurability.

    172(4) For the purposes of this rule, “converted policy” means an individual policy of long-term care insurance providing benefits identical to or benefits determined by the Office to be substantially equivalent to or in excess of those provided under the group policy from which conversion is made. If the policy from which conversion is made restricts provision of benefits and services to named providers or facilities, and the circumstances of termination make continued use of these providers or facilities impossible or impractical, the converted policy shall provide coverage on an indemnity or expense incurred basis with benefits equivalent to the reasonable cost of services provided by the named providers or facilities, and shall not restrict provision of benefits and services to any named providers or facilities.

    298(5) Written application for the converted policy shall be made and the first premium due, if any, shall be paid as directed by the insurer not later than 31 days after termination of coverage under the group policy. The converted policy shall be issued effective on the day following the termination of coverage under the group policy, and shall be renewable annually.

    360(6)(a) Unless the group policy from which conversion is made replaced previous group coverage, the premium for the converted policy shall be calculated on the basis of the insured’s age and risk class at inception of coverage under the group policy from which conversion is made.

    406(b) Where the group policy from which conversion is made replaced previous group coverage, the premium for the converted policy shall be calculated on the basis of the insured’s age and risk class used in determining the coverage issued at inception of coverage under the group policy replaced.

    454(7) Continuation of coverage or issuance of a converted policy shall be mandatory, except where:

    469(a) Termination of group coverage resulted from a certificateholder’s failure to make any required payment of premium or contribution when due. This does not include such situations as the individual’s authorizing and making payment that is not ultimately paid to the insurer due to bank, employer, or policyholder error, or

    519(b) The terminating coverage is replaced not later than 31 days after termination, by group coverage effective on the day following the termination of coverage:

    5441. Providing benefits identical to or benefits determined by the office to be substantially equivalent or in excess of those provided by the terminating coverage; and

    5702. The premium for which is calculated in a manner consistent with the requirements of subsection (6) of this rule.

    590(8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule, a converted policy issued to an individual who at the time of conversion is covered by another long-term care insurance policy which provides benefits on the basis of incurred expenses, may contain a provision which results in a reduction of benefits payable if the benefits provided under the additional coverage, together with the full benefits provided by the converted policy, would result in payment of more than 100% of incurred expenses. Such provision shall only be included in the converted policy if the converted policy also provides for a premium decrease or refund which reflects the reduction in benefits payable.

    698(9) The converted policy may provide that the benefits payable under the converted policy, together with the benefits payable under the group policy from which conversion is made, shall not exceed those that would have been payable had the individual’s coverage under the group policy remained in force and effect.

    748(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule, any insured individual whose eligibility for group long-term care coverage is based upon his or her relationship to another person, shall be entitled to continuation of coverage under the group policy upon termination of the qualifying relationship by death or dissolution of marriage.

    799Specific Authority 801624.308(1), 802627.9407(1) FS. 804Law Implemented 806624.307(1), 807627.646, 808627.6675, 809627.9407(1) FS. 811History–New 5-17-89, Formerly 4-81.010, Amended 1-13-03, Formerly 4-157.010.