69O-175.002. Unlawful Removal of Discounts for Private Passenger Automobile Rates  

Effective on Wednesday, June 21, 1989
  • 1To the extent that Section 6626.9541(1)(o), F.S., 8prohibits insurers from imposing or requesting additional premiums or surcharges for private passenger automobile insurance because the insured was involved in a motor vehicle accident or was convicted of a moving traffic violation, such prohibition shall apply equally to insurers removing or eliminating a premium discount or credit because the insured was involved in a motor vehicle accident or was convicted of a moving traffic violation.

    74Specific Authority 76624.308 FS. 78Law Implemented 80624.307(1), 81626.9541(1)(o) FS. 83History–New 6-21-89, Formerly 4-57.002, 4-175.002.