69O-187.011. Exemptions  

Effective on Wednesday, May 10, 1989
  • 1Rule 69O-187, F.A.C., as amended on May 10, 1989, shall allow any Fund established prior to this date an exemption from Rules 2369O-187.003 24and 2569O-187.010, 26F.A.C. At such time as any of the Fund documents filed pursuant to the application process are amended, the amended document(s) shall comply with Rule 5169O-187.010, 52F.A.C. In the event the management of the Fund is changed, the Fund shall adhere to Rule 6969O-187.003, 70F.A.C.

    71Specific Authority 73627.357(6), 74624.308(1) FS. 76Law Implemented 78624.307(1), 79627.357 FS. 81History–New 5-10-89, Formerly 4-39.0082, 4-187.011.