69O-196.007. Annual Reports  

Effective on Thursday, January 4, 2024
  • 1(1) The annual report shall be filed on or before March 1 of each year.

    16(2) An Annual Report shall be filed with the Office, on or before March 1 of each year, on Form OIR-A3-107 “Annual Report” effective 07/23, hereby incorporated by reference and available at 48http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1620450. Each page of the form shall be completed and prepared according to the instructions. An incomplete form shall be returned and considered not filed by the Office. Failure to file a complete annual report by the due date shall subject a licensee to fines as set forth in Rule 10069O-207.001, 101F.A.C., and discipline as provided in Sections 108627.832 109and 110627.833, F.S. 112The filings shall be submitted electronically via the Office’s system at https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    124Rulemaking Authority 126624.308(1), 127627.836(2) FS. 129Law Implemented 131624.424, 132627.836 FS. 134History–New 10-20-73, Repromulgated 12-24-74, Formerly 4-18.07, 4-18.007, Amended 7-27-95, 8-29-99, Formerly 4-196.007, Amended 7-30-17, 5-24-21, 1-4-24.