69O-199.008. Home Warranty Associations (Transferred)  

Effective on Thursday, January 4, 2024
  • 1(1) Application for License as a Home Warranty Association.

    10(a) An application for 14a person applying for a license as a home warranty association 25consists of the following:

    29130. 31Form OIR-C1-490, “Application for License Home Warranty Association,” effective 07/23, 42hereby incorporated by reference and available at 49http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16188;

    512. Form OIR-A3-455, “Home or Service Warranty Association Surety Bond,” effective 6/20, hereby incorporated by reference and available at 71http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13052;

    733. Form OIR-C1-144, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    834. Form OIR-C1-905, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    935. Form OIR-C1-938, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1036. Form OIR-C1-995, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1137. Form OIR-C1-1423, 116incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1238. Form OIR-C1-0500, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1339. Form OIR-C1-0501, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    14310. Form OIR-C1-0502, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    15311. Form OIR-C1-0503, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    16312. Form OIR-C1-0504, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    17313. Form OIR-C1-0505, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    18314. Form OIR-C1-0506, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    19315. Form OIR-C1-0507, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    20316. Form OIR-C1-0509, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.; and

    21417. Form OIR-C1-2221, 217incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.

    224(b) A person applying for a license as a home warranty association shall submit the forms listed in paragraph (1)(a) as directed by the Office 249electronically at https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    252(2) Annual License Renewal.

    256(a)1. All home warranty association licenses shall expire on June 1.

    2672. Failure to submit the application for continuance by June 1 shall result in expiration of the license and will require the filing of a new application for licensure.

    296(b) A licensee seeking to continue operating as a home warranty association shall submit the following:

    3121313. Form OIR-A3-1073, “Application for Renewal of License Home Warranty Association,” 325effective 07/23, hereby incorporated by reference and available at 334http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16189, 336filed electronically at https://www.floir.com/iportal, and

    3412. A fee of $200.00 filed annually in conjunction with the June 1 filing of the Annual Statement.

    359(c) Any licensee who fails to renew a home warranty association license shall immediately cease and desist from engaging in the home warranty business in the state of Florida. The home warranty association shall honor those home warranty contracts in force until the date of expiration or the date of cancellation and a refund is made to the consumer.

    418Rulemaking Authority 420634.302 FS. 422Law Implemented 424624.424, 425634.304, 426634.305, 427634.306, 428624.307, 429634.3073, 430634.315 FS. 432History–New 7-16-92, Amended 4-3-94, Formerly 4-199.008, Amended 7-30-17, 5-25-21, 1-4-24.


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