69O-203.023. Governing Body  

Effective on Tuesday, November 15, 1994
  • 1(1) Each PLHSO shall have a governing body that sets policy and has overall responsibility for the organization, including the following:

    22(a) Adopting organizational by-laws, rules and regulations, or similar form of document which provides a clear, concise statement of the mission, goals, and objectives of the organization.

    49(b) Adopting a quality assurance program that monitors the key areas of the health care delivery, to identify problems and opportunities to improve the delivery of quality health care services.

    79(c) Maintaining an ongoing quality assurance credentialing program.

    87(2) Nothing in this rule shall prohibit the designation of qualified management personnel to implement the provisions of subsection (1) and to manage the operation of the PLHSO in the geographic area or areas serviced. The relationship between management personnel and the governing body shall be set forth in writing, including each person’s authority, responsibilities, and functions.

    144(3) Biographical statements and character reports are required to be submitted to the Office, and shall also be included in the application for a Certificate of Authority (COA) on the following persons:

    176(a) All officers who are identified by the Office as officers who are responsible for conducting the affairs of the PLHSO and any other individuals who have policy decision making authority.

    207(b) All officers and directors of any parent or subsidiary corporation of the PLHSO, if applicable, and of any holding company having control over the PLHSO.

    233(c) All officers and directors of any external management company contracted with the PLHSO, if they are responsible for conducting the affairs of the PLHSO.

    258(d) This reporting requirement is of a continuing nature and also applies to individuals who, subsequent to the date of application for a COA, become associated with a PLHSO and meet any of the qualifications for requiring biographical statements and character reports.

    300(4) Abbreviated biographical statements will be required to be submitted to the Office every two years for those persons for whom biographical information is required.

    325Specific Authority 327636.067 FS. 329Law Implemented 331636.005, 332636.008 FS. 334History–New 11-15-94, Formerly 4-203.023.