69V-45.010. Demonstrated Unworthiness Defined  

Effective on Tuesday, November 7, 2000
  • 1As used in section 5537.006, F.S., 7the phrase “[h]aving demonstrated unworthiness . . . to transact the business of a title loan lender” shall include the following:

    28(1) Failing to demonstrate financial responsibility by having a credit history that reflects any of the following: unpaid liens, judgments, repossessions, foreclosures or an otherwise general history of non-payment of legal debts.

    60(2) Failing to demonstrate character or general fitness by having been convicted, found guilty, or pled nolo contendere, regardless of adjudication, of any crime involving fraud, dishonest dealing or any other act of moral turpitude. Moral turpitude involves duties owed by persons to society as well as acts contrary to justice, honesty, principle or good morals. This includes, but is not limited to, theft, extortion, use of the mail to obtain property under false pretenses, tax evasion, and the sale of (or intent to sell) controlled substances.

    147Rulemaking Authority 149537.006, 150537.016 FS. 152Law Implemented 154537.006 FS. 156History–New 11-7-00, Formerly 3D-45.010.