6A-6.0212. Performance-Based Exit Option Model and State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma  

Effective on Tuesday, April 30, 2024
  • 1The Department of Education shall award a State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma pursuant to Section 181003.435, F.S., 20to a candidate who meets all of the requirements of the Performance-Based Exit Option Model, as prescribed herein.

    38(1) General and Administrative Components.

    43(a) The Department shall designate the authority of awarding the State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma to each approved school district participating in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model.

    72(b) School districts must apply and be approved by the Department in order to implement the Performance-Based Exit Option Model at all school sites. Each approved school district must submit a renewal application every two (2) years to continue to implement the Performance-Based Exit Option Model. School districts who are seeking initial approval to implement the Performance-Based Exit Option Model may apply during any given school year.

    139(c) School districts may amend approved applications anytime during the school year by completing and submitting an amendment to the Department.

    160(d) The district shall identify a Performance-Based Exit Option Model administrator who will be responsible for verifying that candidates are authorized to test.

    183(2) Eligibility and Admission Components.

    188(a) The Performance-Based Exit Option Model is not to be a preferred or accelerated means of completing high school. Thus, this model is not a vehicle for the early exit of students and may only be exercised for students who are off track to graduate with their kindergarten cohort due to being over age for their grade, behind in credits or have a Grade Point Average (GPA) below 2.0 as required by Section 2611003.4282, F.S., 263in order to earn a standard high school diploma. Students participating in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model may not graduate prior to their kindergarten cohort. Participation in this model is voluntary and requires parental notification and consent. Entry and exit policies must conform to state compulsory attendance requirements, as well as district daily attendance policies.

    318(b) Any eligible student currently enrolled in a PK-12 program, including special programs such as exceptional student education, dropout prevention, teenage parent, Department of Juvenile Justice, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) may participate in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model. To be eligible to participate in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model, a student must, at a minimum, be:

    3781. At least sixteen (16) years old and currently enrolled in a PK-12 program;

    3922. Enrolled in and attending high school courses that meet high school graduation requirements as specified in Section 4101003.4282, F.S.;

    4123. In jeopardy of not graduating with their kindergarten cohort because they are over age for their grade, behind in credits, or have a GPA below 2.0;

    4394. Assessed at a seventh grade reading level or higher at the time of selection (ninth grade or higher at the time of testing for the State of Florida High School Diploma authorized under Rule 4746A-6.0201, 475F.A.C.), as documented by the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) reading component, Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) reading component or other assessment to determine grade-level proficiency.

    503(c) The student eligibility criteria articulated in this rule in paragraph (2)(b), are the minimum requirements to which each school district implementing the Performance-Based Exit Option Model must adhere.

    532(d) After the student’s initial eligibility has been determined, a comprehensive review of student records by designated school personnel or a child study team, including, but not limited to grades, credits, attendance, behavior and education plans, must be completed to decide if the Performance-Based Exit Option Model is the most appropriate educational strategy.

    585(e) If the student is a minor, parents or guardian(s) must be informed and give written consent to a student’s participation in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model. The student’s record must include written notification of the student’s eligibility, parents’ or guardians’ right to an administrative review of the proposed placement, and parental or guardian consent, in writing, for student’s participation prior to utilizing this model. The student’s parent or guardian must be informed of the results of the record review and provided clarification that the student’s transcript will not indicate the award of a standard high school diploma.

    683(f) Academic counseling is required before program entry and during participation in the program. Counseling and advisement services must be provided to both students and parents or guardians regarding the Performance-Based Exit Option Model and other graduation options prior to participation so that they can make an informed decision regarding placement.

    734(3) Curriculum and Instruction.

    738(a) The curricula and instructional content for the Performance-Based Exit Option Model must be at the high school level and aligned to the student’s postsecondary goals. Each student must be enrolled in and attending K-12 high school courses that meet the high school graduation requirements specified in Section 7861003.4282, F.S.

    788(b) The content of the Performance-Based Exit Option Model must be academic and may include career and technical education instruction or activities. The school district must prepare the student to successfully pass the statewide, standardized assessments and approved assessments for the State of Florida High School Diploma in Rule 8376A-6.0201, 838F.A.C., by providing a full range of instruction that aligns with the State Academic Standards and the core content 857of the approved assessments covering English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. 870T871he Adult General Education Standards and Curriculum Frameworks incorporated in Rule 8826A-6.0571, 883F.A.C., which are incorporated herein by reference, guides the curriculum and instruction for the State of Florida High School Diploma. 903Career and Technical Education instruction and activities should be directed at the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for securing and maintaining employment.

    925(c) Instruction for the Performance-Based Exit Option Model must be of sufficient intensity and duration to ensure that participating students have a fair opportunity to raise their skills to the level necessary to earn a State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma in a reasonable period of time. Appropriate instructional materials must be provided in adequate quantities and must be available when students need them. Instructional strategies that focus on individual student progress are strongly encouraged.

    1001(d) Students are required to adhere to district attendance and code of conduct policies.

    1015(e) Districts must administer the official practice test for the High School Equivalent Assessment approved in Rule 10326A-6.0201, 1033F.A.C., under student testing conditions, prior to testing students for the operational test. Districts must provide academic interventions to students who do not earn acceptable scores on the official practice tests.

    1064(4) Program Completion Requirements.

    1068(a) For students to successfully complete the Performance-Based Exit Option Model, the student must:

    10821. Continue enrollment and attendance in high school courses that meet high school graduation requirements as specified in Section 11011003.4282, F.S.

    11032. Pass the statewide, standardized assessments required for a standard high school diploma, or receive a concordant or comparative score in accordance with Section 11271008.22, F.S.;

    11293. Pass all of the required subtests for the State of Florida High School Diploma as specified in Rule 11486A-6.0201, 1149F.A.C.; and,

    11514. Complete any additional requirements established by the school district.

    1161(b) Students earning the State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma are not required to obtain the minimum credits and GPA that are required for a standard high school diploma.

    1191(c) Students must successfully participate in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model for at least one full semester.

    1208(d) Students who are participating in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model during their 13th year of school and their kindergarten cohort has already graduated are not required to continue classes until the end of the currently enrolled semester if they have:

    12491. Successfully passed the statewide, standardized assessments required for a standard high school diploma as set forth in Section 12681003.4282, F.S., 1270or received concordant or comparative scores in accordance with Section 12801008.22, F.S.;

    12822. Passed the required tests for the State of Florida High School Diploma as specified in Rule 12996A-6.0201, 1300F.A.C.; and,

    13023. Completed any additional requirements established by the school district.

    1312(5) Official Recognition.

    1315(a) Students enrolled in the Performance-Based Exit Option Model are eligible to participate in all standard high school activities, including extracurricular activities, as well as graduation and other recognition ceremonies.

    1345(b) A student completing the Performance-Based Exit Option Model who passes all of the required tests for the State of Florida High School Diploma as specified in Rule 13736A-6.0201, 1374F.A.C., and the required statewide, standardized assessments, or receives a concordant or comparative score in accordance with Section 13921008.22, F.S., 1394must be awarded a State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma.

    1405(c) A student completing the Performance-Based Exit Option Model who does not meet the graduation requirements established in Section 14241003.4282, F.S., 1426does not qualify to receive a standard high school diploma.

    1436(d) If a student passes all of the required tests for the State of Florida High School Diploma as specified in Rule 14586A-6.0201, 1459F.A.C., but does not pass the statewide, standardized assessments required for a standard high school diploma as set forth in Section 14801003.4282, F.S., 1482the student must only be awarded the State of Florida High School Diploma.

    1495(e) Rule 14976A-1.0995, 1498F.A.C., provides the allowable format for State of Florida High School Performance-Based Diploma.

    1511(6) Form. The following form is hereby incorporated by reference: Performance-Based Exit Option Model Application (effective April 2024) (1530http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-165511532). The form may be obtained by contacting the Bureau of School Improvement, Division of Public Schools, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.

    1559Rulemaking Authority 15611001.02, 15621003.435, 15631003.53 FS. 1565Law Implemented 15671003.4282, 15681003.435, 15691003.53, 15701008.22 FS. 1572History–New 7-19-10, Amended 9-30-15, 4-30-24.