6A-25.007. Individualized Plan for Employment  

Effective on Tuesday, February 19, 2019
  • 1(1) The Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) must be developed within 90 calendar days of the eligibility determination or activation from the waiting list, whichever is later. Meeting the 90-day timeframe is the mutual responsibility of the division through its counselor and the individual.

    45(2) If the IPE cannot be developed within 90 days due to exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, the individual, or an authorized representative of the individual, and the division must agree to a specific extension of time.

    81(3) The IPE or IPE amendment must be approved by a supervisor before being signed by the counselor. No vocational rehabilitation services proposed under an IPE or IPE amendment are effective absent such approval.

    115(4) The IPE or IPE amendment must describe only those services necessary to assist an individual with a disability in preparing for, securing, retaining, advancing in, or regaining an employment outcome consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual.

    160Rulemaking Authority 162413.22 FS. 164Law Implemented 166413.24, 167413.28, 168413.30 FS. 170History–New 5-14-12, Amended 2-19-19.