6A-25.016. Rehabilitation Technology Services  

Effective on Monday, May 14, 2012
  • 1(1) Definitions.

    3(a) “Accessible vehicle” means an ADA-compliant, original equipment manufacturer vehicle, or an original equipment manufacturer vehicle subsequently made ADA-compliant prior to delivery, or an existing vehicle as modified to reasonably accommodate an individual’s needs.

    37(b) “Driver evaluation” means an assessment of an individual’s abilities to drive a vehicle safely, to determine what training needs exist, and if vehicle modification, adaptive equipment or automotive equipment is necessary to enable the individual to drive.

    75(c) “Driver training” means instruction to teach an individual to drive a vehicle so that the individual will be able to obtain or retain a driver’s license.

    102(d) “Used equipment” means any equipment that has previously been sold to an individual or utilized as a demonstration p122rod123uct. The division will not purchase used equipment or reimburse any portion of costs towards the equipment, where a sale or delivery has occurred prior to authorization of services.

    152(2) 153Scope of Services. The division shall provide appropriate rehabilitation technology services, including consultation with a rehabilitation engineer, that are necessary for the applicant or eligible individual to participate in division services, assessments or achievement of an employment outcome. Prior to providing repairs to rehabilitation technology, the division shall determine whether maintaining equipment or replacement of equipment is appropriate211.

    212(3) 213Vehicles and Driver Training.

    217(a) A driver evaluation by a driving evaluator will be obtained to determine the individual’s functional capacities to drive and need for modifications and adaptive equipment. The driving evaluator and rehabilitation engineer will p251rod252uce final specifications for modifications.

    257(b) A driver training specialist will provide driver training to insure the individual’s and the public’s safety.

    274(c) Provision of accessible vehicles shall be considered only after every other transportation option has been explored and only after it has been determined that provision of an accessible vehicle is the most cost efficient and appropriate approach for the client and the division. The division shall not authorize provision of an accessible vehicle when the individual can effectively utilize public transportation and other means of transportation.

    341Rulemaking Authority 343413.22, 3441001.02 FS. 346Law Implemented 348413.24, 349413.28, 350413.30 FS. 352History–New 5-14-12.


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