6M-4.620. Health and Safety for School Readiness Providers  

Effective on Tuesday, September 26, 2023
  • 1(1) Contracted Providers. A child care provider contracted to provide School Readiness services pursuant to Rule 176M-4.610, 18F.A.C., must comply with the health and safety standards, as applicable to its provider type, contained in Form DEL-SR6200A, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Handbook (the Handbook) effective September 2023 (51http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1592153) , and Form DEL-SR6200B, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Checklist (the Checklist) effective September 2023 (70http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1592272). The Handbook and the Checklist are incorporated by reference and available on the Division of Early Learning (DEL) website at www.floridaearlylearning.com or by contacting the DEL, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida. The incorporated forms are also available at (insert link) or (insert link).

    120(2) Inspections.

    122(a) All School Readiness providers must address basic health and safety of their program(s) and facilities and allow the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or local licensing agency (LLA), whichever is applicable, the ability to inspect all program premises, including access to facilities, personnel, and records, to monitor and verify compliance with School Readiness health, safety, and training standards, pursuant to Sections 185402.311(2) 186and 1871002.82(2)(i), F.S.

    189(b) Prior to participation in the School Readiness Program, and annually thereafter, each School Readiness Program facility must be inspected for compliance with the requirements of DCF Rules 21765C-20.008 218and 21965C-20.012 220or Rules 22265C-22.001, 22365C-22.007, 22465C-22.008, 225and 22665C-22.010, 227F.A.C. (as applicable); Section 2311002.88, F.S.; 233the Handbook; and the Checklist. DCF’s health and safety requirements per provider type are specified in section 2.1 of the Handbook. Annual inspections will be unannounced and take place within the year at a time determined by the DCF or LLA (as applicable). The process for such inspections can be found in the Handbook incorporated in this rule.

    291(c) A School Readiness provider that is a registered family day care home or is not subject to licensure or registration by the DCF or LLA must post the results of its most recent health and safety checklist inspection, as verified by the DCF or LLA (as applicable), in a conspicuous location easily accessible to parents within seven (7) days of receipt. Providers must also submit a copy of the results to their local early learning coalition.

    368(d) A School Readiness child development program with national accreditation that operates on a military installation must submit to the appropriate early learning coalition a verified annual inspection from the United States Department of Defense pursuant to Section 4061002.88, F.S., 408to satisfy inspection requirements.

    412(3) Enforcement. Any issue of noncompliance with the standards outlined in the Handbook and the Checklist, as identified by the DCF or LLA (as applicable), will be forwarded to the appropriate early learning coalition for corrective action, probation, or termination, in accordance with enforcement procedures outlined in the Handbook and the Statewide School Readiness Provider Contract for the School Readiness Program; incorporated in Rule 4766M-4.610, 477F.A.C.

    478(4) Compliance. School Readiness providers must be in compliance with all health and safety requirements of this rule to execute and maintain a Statewide School Readiness Provider Contract.

    506Rulemaking Authority 5081001.02(2)(n), 5091002.82(2)(i), 510(w)-(z), 511FS. Law Implemented 5141002.82(2)(i), 515(w)-(z), 5161002.88(1)(c)-517(e), (j), (k) 520FS. History–New 7-1-14, Amended 10-24-16, 2-16-17, 9-26-23.