73A-2.006. Motorsports Entertainment Complex Certification  

Effective on Monday, June 2, 2014
  • 1(1) The application period for those applying for certification to receive funding as a motorsports entertainment complex pursuant to Section 21288.1171, F.S., 23shall begin upon notice published by the Department in the Florida Administrative Register. In order to be considered for certification, an applicant must submit all information required under Section 52288.1171(3), F.S., 54to the Florida Sports Foundation as indicated in the published notice.

    65(2) An original hard copy and two electronic copies on CD or flash drive, of all information submitted pursuant to subsection (1) of this rule must be submitted to the Florida Sports Foundation at the following address in order for an applicant to be considered for certification:

    112Florida Sports Foundation

    115Attention: President

    117101 N. Monroe Street, Suite 1000

    123Tallahassee, FL 32301

    126Phone: (850)922-4493

    128Fax: (850)922-0482

    130(3)(a) Each applicant’s submitted information will be evaluated by the Department and no applicant will receive certification until the Department is able to verify and the applicant is able to meet the requirements set forth in Section 167288.1171(3), F.S. 169Applicants must provide assistance to the Department and to the Florida Sports Foundation when verification is necessary.

    186(b) The Department may use the following methods of verifying the information submitted by an applicant:

    2021. Request more detailed information or explanation from the applicant in writing.

    2142. Examine all methods of the calculation used by an applicant.

    2253. Meet and/or discuss concerns with an applicant or its designated authority.

    237(4) Upon the Florida Sports Foundation’s receipt of the information required pursuant to subsection (1) of this rule, it will evaluate the submitted information and make a recommendation to the Department of whether an applicant has met the certification criteria set forth in Section 281288.1171(3), F.S.

    283(5) No later than 30 business days after receipt of the information required pursuant to subsection (1) of this rule, the Florida Sports Foundation shall complete its evaluation and forward the submitted information, along with its recommendation, to the Department.

    323(6) No later than 30 business days after the Department’s receipt of the applicant’s information and the recommendation of the Florida Sports Foundation, the Department will review and evaluate the applicant’s submitted information. Following the Department’s review, but not later than 120 days after the application was filed by the applicant, the Department will notify the applicant as to the status of its request for certification.

    389(7) If an applicant’s request for certification is approved the Department shall:

    401(a) Notify the applicant of its certification by an official letter granting certification.

    414(b) Notify the Department of Revenue of the applicant’s certification by providing it with a copy of the applicant’s official letter granting certification.

    437(8) If an applicant’s request for certification is not approved by the Department, within 10 days of the Department’s decision the applicant will be notified and provided with the Department’s specific reasons for not approving the applicant’s certification.

    475(9) If an applicant petitions the Department for review of its decision to not certify, the petition must be provided in writing within 30 days of the Department’s decision to the Department at the following address: Division of Strategic Business Development, 107 East Madison Street, Mail Station 80, Caldwell Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. A petition must include the specific findings of fact which refute the Department’s enumerated findings provided to the applicant and must contain all supporting documentation.

    553(10) Upon receipt of the petition for review, the Department shall conduct a review of the applicant’s challenge compared to its original findings. The Florida Sports Foundation may provide a recommendation to the Department during this review.

    590(11) The outcome of the Department’s review is subject to review under Chapter 120, F.S.

    605Rulemaking Authority 607288.1171(2) FS. 609Law Implemented 611218.64, 612288.1171 FS. 614History615616New 6-2-14.


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