73C-26.020. Definitions  

Effective on Sunday, November 30, 2008
  • 1(1) “Act” means Title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97171835, as amended [2242 U.S.C. Sections 8621-863026] and [2945 CFR Part 96, 33Subpart H, Sections 96.80-96.89], all of which are incorporated by reference herein.

    45(2) “Department” or “DEO” means the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

    56(3) “Home Energy Crisis” means the situation existing when a household does not have or is in immediate danger of losing home energy for heating or cooling per 8442 U.S.C. 8622(6), 87or there exists an immediate threat to life or health due to the lack of home energy.

    104(4) “Household” means a person or group of persons residing together in the same dwelling as one economic unit.

    123(5) “LIHEAP” means the Low128129Income Home Energy Assistance Program authorized under the Act, and administered by DEO.

    142(6) “Poverty Income Guidelines” means the federal poverty guidelines established by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and published annually in the Federal Register.

    169(7) “Subgrant Agreement” means the written contract between the Department and a recipient party, which sets forth the services to be provided with the subgrant funds.

    195(8) “Subrecipient” is a unit of local government or a not-for-profit organization receiving LIHEAP financial assistance under a subgrant agreement from the Department.

    218Rulemaking Authority 220409.508 FS. 222Law Implemented 224409.508 FS. 226History–New 11-30-08, 228Formerly 2299B-65.020230.