73C-40. Community Planning: Rules Of Procedure And Practice Pertaining To Developments Of Regional Impact  

73C-40.001. Definitions (Repealed)
73C-40.010. Forms (Repealed)
73C-40.015. Clearance Letters (Repealed)
73C-40.016. Binding Letters of Interpretation (Repealed)
73C-40.021. Preparation, Filing, and Review of Applications for Development Approval (Repealed)
73C-40.022. Filing the Application for Development Approval (Repealed)
73C-40.024. Regional Report and Recommendations (Repealed)
73C-40.025. Local Government Development Orders (Repealed)
73C-40.027. Monitoring and Enforcement (Repealed)
73C-40.028. Alternative Review Procedures (Repealed)
73C-40.029. Downtown Development of Regional Impact Alternative Review Procedure (Repealed)
73C-40.040. The Application of State, Regional and Local Plans in DRI Uniform Standard Rules (Repealed)
73C-40.041. Listed Plant and Wildlife Resources Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.043. Archaeological and Historical Resources Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.044. Hazardous Material Usage, Potable Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Facilities Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.045. Transportation Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.046. Air Quality Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.048. Adequate Housing Uniform Standard Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.0185. Preliminary Development Agreements (Repealed)
73C-40.0251. Abandonment of Development Orders (Repealed)
73C-40.0252. Development of Regional Impact Review Fee Rule (Repealed)
73C-40.0256. Hurricane Preparedness Policy Rule; Special Hurricane Preparedness Districts (Repealed)
73C-40.0257. Special Hurricane Preparedness Districts for Developments of Regional Impact (Repealed)
73C-40.0275. Aggregation Rule (Repealed)