9B-60.004. Florida Building Energy Rating System, Adopted (Transferred)  

Effective on Tuesday, July 27, 2010
  • 1(1) Rules provided herein shall apply to new and existing residential buildings including single-family, multifamily, buildings of mixed occupancy, manufactured residential buildings; new and existing commercial buildings including buildings of mixed occupancy and manufactured commercial buildings; and to new and existing public buildings including state buildings, except those specifically exempted herein.

    52(2) The home energy rating (HERS rating) for residential buildings shall be determined using only the Florida Residential Building Energy Rating System software 75EnergyGauge® USA, ResRate 2008, which produces the Florida Residential Building Energy Rating form, Form FRBER-2008, effective July 27, 2010, incorporated herein by reference98. 99Certified BERS ratings shall be specific to one residence; sampling is not an acceptable procedure for ratings in Florida. 118Air distribution system testing for Class 1 ratings shall be performed in accordance with Annex B and Annex C of BSR/ASHRAE Standard 152-04, “Method of Test for Determining the Design and Seasonal Efficiencies of Residential Thermal Distribution Systems.” A Class 3 rating shall be clearly labeled as a “projected rating based on plans.”

    171(3) Prior to contracting for construction of a new public building, an energy rating shall be conducted in accordance with subsection 1929B-60.004(5), 193F.A.C. The public body proposing to contract for construction of such building shall consider the energy efficiency rating for that new public building, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 221255.254, F.S.

    223(4) The energy rating for public and commercial buildings shall be determined using only the Florida Commercial Building Energy Rating System software 245EnergyGauge® Summit ComRate 2008, which produces the Florida Commercial Building Energy Rating form, Form FCBER-2008, effective July 27, 2010, incorporated herein by reference. 268Public buildings owned or leased by state agencies and units of local government that are governed by Section 286255.254, F.S., 288may utilize this rating system as one of the annual energy usage and cost by methods approved by those agencies.

    308(5) A copy of each of the above referenced rating systems has been filed with this rule with the Secretary of State. The rating systems are also available for reference and inspection at the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida.

    358Rulemaking Authority 553.992 FS. Law Implemented 364553.994, 365553.995(1) FS. 367History–New 7-1-94, Amended 10-3-94, 1-11-95, 12-27-98, 11-28-04, 7-27-10.


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