9B-69.005. Planning Grant (Transferred)  

Effective on Tuesday, July 25, 2000
  • 1(1) Planning grant funds are for local governments to develop urban infill and redevelopment plans for areas designated in subsection 21163.2514(2), F.S. 23In lieu of developing a new plan, the local government may utilize an existing plan or amend an existing plan as outlined in subsection 479B-69.005(1), 48F.A.C. An urban infill and redevelopment plan, whether new, existing, or amended, must satisfy all of the requirements under subsection 68163.2517(3), F.S., 70and subsections 72163.2517(2)(a)-73(b)2., F.S. In addition, the plan must identify how all activities and service, education, and training programs outlined in the plan will be financially sustained over a period of time. Financial and local government incentives included in the urban infill and redevelopment plan must be consistent with the provisions of subsection 124163.2517(3)(j), F.S.

    126(2) Existing Plans. If an existing plan is used, the local government must also submit evidence reflecting that the plan was developed in a collaborative and holistic planning effort. If an existing plan was developed without community participation, then the local government must provide evidence that the plan was resubmitted to the community stakeholders for their participation, review and support and then re-adopted by the local government.

    193(a) If an existing plan does not contain all the required plan elements, it must be amended to:

    2111. Include all elements required in subsections 218163.2517(3)(a)-219(n), F.S.

    2212. Include a collaborative and holistic community participation process as required in subsections 234163.2517(2)(a)-235(b)2., F.S.

    237(3) Eligible Uses of Planning Grant Funds. Funds shall be restricted to activities directly related to the development of an urban infill and redevelopment plan or amending an existing plan to include criteria specified in subsections 273163.2517(3)(a)-274(n), F.S. Funds may be used for the following:

    283(a) Administrative expenses not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total grant award for travel, overhead, office rental space, postage, mailing, printing, reproduction of documents, and other expenses directly related to planning activities under this grant.

    320(b) Eighty-five percent (85%) of the funds may be used for the following activities:

    3341. Paying professional salaries related directly to the development of the plan.

    3462. Fees associated with amending the local comprehensive plan to delineate the boundaries of the urban infill and redevelopment area. The Department shall review the comprehensive plan amendment pursuant to Section 377163.3184, F.S., 379and subsection 381163.2517(4), F.S., 383to ensure that the area meets the requirements of subsection 393163.2514(2), F.S.

    3953. Developing a collaborative and holistic community participation process. The collaborative process should result in a plan that contains goals, objectives, projects and activities that address solutions to neighborhood problems and offer opportunities to improve the quality of life in the designated area. The process should create both short-term and long-term goals and objectives so that residents can see some successes in the short term while continuing to pursue and achieve long term goals.

    4694. Procuring technical assistance from facilitators who have extensive experience in neighborhood planning, community organizing, and conducting neighborhood or stakeholder meetings. The facilitators may also assist with developing the plan.

    4995. Creating a governance structure pursuant to subsection 5079B-69.002(8), 508F.A.C.

    5096. Building the capacity of the governance structure to assist those involved in becoming more knowledgeable about the planning and implementation process.

    5317. Convening meetings and costs related to securing meeting space for activities directly related to this grant.

    5488. Developing and implementing community participation processes, which must at a minimum include advertising to solicit resident and community involvement, marketing, community organizing/kick-off activities.

    5729. Training stakeholders on the visioning and planning process, as well as in mediation and consensus building skills, for use in the development of the urban infill and redevelopment plan.

    60210. Presentations and training on traditional neighborhood design and pedestrian walkability.

    613(4) Ineligible Uses of Grant Funds. Planning grant funds may not be used for activities that are not directly related to the grant. The following are ineligible uses of planning grant funds:

    645(a) Paying off any existing debt.

    651(b) Reimbursement of costs for administrative expenses, including salaries and travel for staff, unrelated to activities under the grant.

    670(c) Reimbursement for any administrative or planning activities that occurred prior to entering into a contractual agreement with the Department, including preparation of the grant application.

    696(4) Minimum threshold requirements for planning grant applications.

    704(a) General applicant information.

    708(b) Purpose of the designated area.

    714(c) Boundary delineation of the designated area pursuant to subsection 724163.2514(2), F.S. 726A nominated area may contain less than an entire census block group. In such cases, the application shall be scored based on data for the entire census block group.

    755(d) Existing plan elements.

    759(e) Documentation to reflect that all known community and stakeholder groups in the designated area have been notified of the local government’s intent to apply for funding under this program.

    789(f) Line-item planning budget for planning activities to be completed with Urban Infill and Redevelopment Assistance Planning Grant funds.

    808Specific Authority 163.2523 FS. Law Implemented 814163.2511, 815163.2514, 816163.2517, 817163.2520, 818163.2523, 163.2526 FS. History–New 7-25-00.


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