Other Agencies and Organizations, Area Agency on Aging for North Florida  



    Area Agency on Aging for North Florida

    Request for Information

    The Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. is seeking sources interested in providing services to older adults under the Federal Older Americans Act Title III-B: supportive services, and III-C1 & III-C2: nutritional services in Franklin County, Florida. Prospective sources must be established and have current or previous experience in providing services to older adults, and will be responsible for the following:

    • Coordination of transportation to meal site(s) and for recreational activities
    • Provision of interactive recreational activities
    • Assistance in linking older adults to appropriate aging resources
    • Coordination and participation in on-going outreach and public education activities
    • Coordination and provision of some in-home services for frail elders, based on needs identified through formal needs assessment activities
    • Coordination and provision of nutrition education and nutrition counseling
    • Delivery of meals to eligible clients in the Franklin County
    • Provision of meals to at least one congregate meal site five days per week in Franklin County

    All services must be provided in accordance with established guidelines set forth by the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs Home and Community-Based Services Draft Handbook, dated July 2016: http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/notices/July16/2016_Chapter_4_Older_Americans_Act.pdf

    and contracts between the Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. and State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs.

    This Request for Information (RFI) is a preliminary step to the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) package on or around February 1, 2017. Failure to respond by the deadline specified in this notice shall constitute a “not interested” response. The responses to this RFI will be used to identify those organizations interested in providing Older Americans Act services for the Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. Franklin County. The Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this request for information or otherwise pay for the information solicited.

    Deadline: Written responses to this RFI are due to the Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. no later than 3:00 p.m., ET on January 25, 2017. Responses should include the organization name, contact person, address, and phone number. Only written responses will be accepted.

    Contact:Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc.

    Attention: Lisa Bretz

    2414 Mahan Drive

    Tallahassee, Florida 32308

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