Distributions from FRS Investment Plan Accounts and Reemployment with an FRS-covered Employer, Excessive Trading in the FRS Investment Plan, FRS Investment Plan Complaint Procedures  




    19-11.003 Distributions from FRS Investment Plan Accounts and Reemployment with an FRS-covered Employer

    19-11.004 Excessive Trading in the FRS Investment Plan

    19-11.005 FRS Investment Plan Complaint Procedures


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rules in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in the Vol. 31, No. 47, which is the November 23, 2005, issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. The changes are made in response to comments from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and in response to written material received before the hearing.

    The rules will be changed as follows:

    (1) Rule 19-11.003(3)(b): the following sentences will be added to this paragraph:

    “An equivalent form shall mean that all of the information required in the blanks spaces on Form ETF-2 for both the participant and the employer shall be on the equivalent form. In addition, the five items in the “Termination Agreement” section shall be reproduced and signed and dated.”

    (2) Rule 19-11.004(1)(c): in the last sentence, the word “rule” will be returned to “policy.”

    (3) Rule 19-11.004(3)(b)2.a.: the reference to “three full calendar months” will be changed to “twelve full calendar months.”

    (4) Rule 19-11.005(3)(b)2.: the words “FRS Investment Plan Request for Intervention” will be inserted just before “Form SBA-RFI06/04” in the first sentence.

    (5) Rule 19-11.005(3)(c)1.: the words “FRS Investment Plan Petition for Hearing” will be inserted just before “Form SBA-PFH06/04” in the first sentence.

    (6) Rule 19-11.005(3)(c)1.: the words “FRS Investment Plan Petition for Hearing” will be inserted just before “Form SBA-PFH06/04” in the first sentence.