Office of the SecretaryRecreational Trails Program Grant Application Submission Period
The Department of Environmental Protection has announced that grant applications for the Recreational Trails Program will be accepted March 15 through March 29, 2013. This is a competitive matching grant program which provides financial assistance to agencies of city, county, state or federal governments, state and federal recognized Indian tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations approved by the State for the development of recreational trails. The Department currently has approximately $2,200,000 available. The grant funds shall be allocated as follows: (i) $660,000 for motorized recreational trails, (ii) $660,000 must be used for nonmotorized recreational trails, and (iii) $880,000 must be used for mixed use recreational trails. The maximum grant award for each motorized project is $660,000. The maximum grant award for each nonmotorized and mixed use project is $200,000.
Application packets may be obtained from the Office of Greenways and Trails, Department of Environmental Protection, Mail Station #795, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000; (850) 245-2052. Applications are also available at Applications must be postmarked no later than March 29, 2013.