The purpose of the rule development is to amend the adequate progress provision of school grades to accommodate schools that improve the percentage of their lowest performing students who make learning gains, yet fall below the currently specified ...  

    6A-1.09981: Implementation of Florida's System of School Improvement and Accountability
    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the rule development is to amend the adequate progress provision of school grades to accommodate schools that improve the percentage of their lowest performing students who make learning gains, yet fall below the currently specified minimum requirement of at least fifty (50) percent of such students making learning gains.
    SUBJECT AREA TO BE ADDRESSED: Adequate Progress of the Lowest Performing Students in School Grades.
    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 1008.34 FS.
    DATE AND TIME: February 4, 2008, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    PLACE: Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1703/07, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT AND A COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT, IF AVAILABLE, IS: Juan C. Copa, Bureau Chief, Research and Evaluation, Division of Accountability, Research, and Measurement, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 844, Tallahassee, Florida 32399; (850)245-0429


    6A-1.09981 Implementation of Florida’s System of  School Improvement and Accountability.

    (1) through (7) No change.

    (8) Planned System Enhancements. As indicated in this subsection, planned enhancements will occur in Florida’s System of School Improvement and Accountability. The Commissioner of Education will periodically recommend additional changes to the system to the State Board of Education as necessary to ensure that continuous improvements are made in the educational programs of the state.

    (a) No change.

    (b) Math lowest twenty-five (25) percent will be added as an additional category of performance beginning in 2006-07. For this category of achievement, one (1) point for each percent of students in the lowest twenty-five (25) percent in reading in the school as defined in paragraph (5)(c) of this rule who make learning gains as defined in paragraph (5)(b) of this rule.

    1. Schools designated as Performance Grade “C” or above shall be required to demonstrate that adequate progress in mathematics, defined as annual learning gains in paragraph (5)(b) of this rule, has been made by the lowest twenty-five (25) percent of students in the school who scored at or below FCAT Achievement Level 3, based on their previous year’s FCAT score. The minimum requirement for adequate progress is deemed to be met when at least fifty (50) percent of such students make learning gains as defined in paragraph (5)(b) of this rule. If the percent of such students making learning gains is below fifty (50) percent in the current year, adequate progress can be met if:

    a. Schools demonstrate a one (1) percentage point improvement in the percent of such students making learning gains over the prior year, if the percent of such students making learning gains is at least forty (40) percent in the current year; or

    b. Schools demonstrate a five (5) percentage point improvement in the percent of such students making learning gains over the prior year, if the percent of such students making learning gains is below forty (40) percent in the current year.

    If the minimum requirement for adequate progress in mathematics among the lowest twenty-five (25) percent of students in the school is not met, the School Advisory Council shall amend its School Improvement Plan to include a component for improving learning gains of the lowest performing students. If a school otherwise designated as Performance Grade “B” or “C” does not make adequate progress, as defined above demonstrate learning gains for at least half of the lowest performing students, in at least one (1) of two (2) consecutive years, the final Performance Grade designation shall be reduced by one (1) letter grade. No school shall be designated as Performance Grade “A” unless the adequate progress criterion in mathematics, learning gains for at least half of the lowest performing students, is met each year.

    (c) through (d) No change.

    (9) through (15) No change.

    Specific Authority 1001.02, 1008.22, 1008.33, 1008.345 FS. Law Implemented 1000.03, 1001.42, 1003.63, 1008.33, 1008.34, 1008.345, 1008.36 FS. History–New 10-11-93, Amended 12-19-95, 3-3-97, 1-24-99, 2-2-00, 2-11-02, 12-23-03, 5-15-06,________.

Document Information

Adequate Progress of the Lowest Performing Students in School Grades.
The purpose of the rule development is to amend the adequate progress provision of school grades to accommodate schools that improve the percentage of their lowest performing students who make learning gains, yet fall below the currently specified minimum requirement of at least fifty (50) percent of such students making learning gains.
Rulemaking Authority:
1008.34 FS.
1008.34 FS.
Juan C. Copa, Bureau Chief, Research and Evaluation, Division of Accountability, Research, and Measurement, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 844, Tallahassee, Florida 32399; (850)245-0429
Related Rules: (1)
6A-1.09981. Implementation of Florida's System of School Improvement and Accountability