Definitions., Classification and Staffing of Domestic Wastewater or Water Treatment Plants and Water Distribution Systems, Additional Classification and Staffing Requirements
62-699.200: Definitions.
62-699.310: Classification and Staffing of Domestic Wastewater or Water Treatment Plants and Water Distribution Systems.
62-699.311: Additional Classification and Staffing Requirements.NOTICE OF CHANGE
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 38 No. 61, October 30, 2012 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
Rule 62-699.200 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words, phrases, or terms shall have the following meaning.
(1) through (13) No change.
(14)“WATER MAIN” means the following:
(a)All piping, regardless of size, conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., from a water treatment plant to either a fire hydrant lead or a water service line; and
(b) No change.
(15)“WATER SERVICE LINE” means the following:
(a)Piping conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., to a single or dual meter box that serves one or two buildings, one or two irrigation systems, or one building and one irrigation system; or
(b)Piping conveying finished water, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., to a single building, irrigation system, or fire protection system.
(16) No change.
Rule 62-699.310 Classification and Staffing of Domestic Wastewater or Water Treatment Plants and Water Distribution Systems.
This section applies to all domestic wastewater treatment plant permittees and to all suppliers of water except those who own or operate a transient non-community water system (TWS) using only ground water as a source of supply and serving only religious institutions, or businesses, other than public food service establishments as defined and regulated under Chapters 381, 500, or 509, F.S., and other than religious institutions with school or daycare services. Licensed operators are not required for TWSs using only ground water as a source of supply and serving only religious institutions, or businesses, other than public food service establishments and other than religious institutions with school or daycare services.
(1) No change.
(2) Permittees and suppliers of water shall employ licensed operators on-site at their domestic wastewater or water treatment plant(s) to fulfill the time and visit requirements specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) below. Suppliers of water shall employ licensed operators to staff their water distribution systems as specified in paragraph (f) below.
(a) through (e)2. No change.
3.Water Treatment Plant Category III
Treatment Process
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Activated alumina or carbon adsorption, with backwashing or on-site media regeneration or reactivation, for removal of any primary contaminant or disinfection byproduct precursors; diatomaceous earth filtration; electrodialysis or electrodialysis reversal; ion exchange for removal of any primary contaminant or disinfection byproduct precursors; oxidation and rapid-rate granular-media filtration, or direct filtration, of ground water for removal of any primary contaminant other than viruses or for removal of disinfection byproduct precursors; or slow sand filtration.
8.0 MGD and above
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 24 hours/day for 7 days/week. The lead/chief operator must be Class A.
2.0 MGD up to 8.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 16 hours/day for 7 days/week. The lead/chief operator must be Class B or higher.
1.0 MGD up to 2.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 6 hours/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
0.5 MGD up to 1.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 3 hours/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
0.25 MGD up to 0.5 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 1 hour/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
Less than 0.25 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 5 visits/week and one visit each weekend for a total of 1.8 hours/week.
For all of the above plants, the lead/chief operator must be Class C or higher.
Not applicable
4.Water Treatment Plant Category IV
Treatment Process
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Activated alumina or carbon adsorption with backwashing or without on-site media regeneration or reactivation, for removal of only secondary contaminants; chloramination; chlorine dioxide treatment; ion exchange for removal of any secondary contaminant, sulfide, or hardness from a CWS; oxidation and rapid-rate granular-media filtration, or direct filtration, of ground water for removal of any secondary contaminant or sulfide from a CWS; or ozonation.
Not Applicable
10 MGD and above
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 16 hours/day for 7 days/week. The lead/chief operator must be Class B or higher.
5.0 MGD up to 10 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 6 hours/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
3.0 MGD up to 5.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 3 hours/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
1.0 MGD up to 3.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 1 hour/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
0.1 MGD up to 1.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 5 visits/week and one visit each weekend for a total of 1.2 hours/week.
For all of the above plants, the lead/chief operator must be Class C or higher.
Less than 0.1 MGD
Staffing by a Class D or higher operator: 3 visits/week on nonconsecutive days for a total of 0.6 hour/week. The lead/chief operator must be Class D or higher.
5.Water Treatment Plant Category V
Treatment Process
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Activated alumina or carbon adsorption without backwashing and without on-site media regeneration or reactivation; aAeration; alkalinity or pH adjustment; chlorination or hypochlorination; corrosion control inhibitor addition; fluoridation; iron or manganese sequestration; or ultraviolet radiation.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
5.0 MGD and above
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 6 hours/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
3.0 MGD up to 5.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 1 hour/day for 5 days/week and one visit on each weekend day.
0.25 MGD up to 3.0 MGD
Staffing by Class C or higher operator: 5 visits/week and one visit each weekend for a total of 0.6 hour/week.
For all of the above plants, the lead/chief operator must be Class C or higher.
50,000 GPD up to 0.25 MGD
Staffing by Class D or higher operator: 3 visits/week on nonconsecutive days for a total of 0.3 hour/week.
Less than 50,000 GPD
Staffing by a Class D or higher operator: 2 visits/week on nonconsecutive days for a total of 0.2 hour/week. There shall be no more than 5 days between the last visit in one week and the first visit in the next week.
For all of the above plants, the lead/chief operator must be Class D or higher.
(f) Classification and Staffing Requirements for Water Distribution Systems. Refer to tables 1. and 2. below and determine the classification and staffing requirements for each water distribution system using the following two-step procedure: first determine the category of the distribution system and then, within that category, determine the classification and staffing requirements for the distribution system. Determine the distribution system category by using the highest classification of water treatment plant to which the distribution system is connected, with Class A being the highest plant classification and Class D being the lowest plant classification. Determine the distribution system classification and staffing requirements within the determined distribution system category by using the number of persons served directly by the distribution system, which excludes any persons served by any separately owned and operated wholesale or regulated consecutive system connected to the distribution system. Level 1 is the highest possible distribution system classification, and Level 4 is the lowest possible distribution system classification.
1.Water Distribution System Category I
Distribution System
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Distribution system connected to a Class A, B, or C water treatment plant.
Serving 100,000 or more persons.
The lead/chief operator must be a Level 1 water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator. Additionally, a Level 3 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator shall be in on-site charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect water quality or quantity and that is listed in Footnote 1 below unless the activity is being performed by a licensed construction contractor working within the scope of his or her license.2
Serving at least 10,000 persons and less than 100,000 persons.
The lead/chief operator must be a Level 2 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator. Additionally, a Level 3 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator shall be in on-site charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect water quality or quantity and that is listed in Footnote 1 below unless the activity is being performed by a licensed construction contractor working within the scope of his or her license.2
Serving at least 1,000 persons and less than 10,000 persons.
The lead/chief operator must be a Level 3 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator. Additionally, a Level 3 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class C or higher water treatment plant operator shall be in on-site charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect water quality or quantity and that is listed in Footnote 1 below unless the activity is being performed by a licensed construction contractor working within the scope of his or her license.2
Serving less than 1,000 persons.3
The lead/chief operator must be a Level 4 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class D or higher water treatment plant operator. Additionally, a Level 4 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class D or higher water treatment plant operator shall be in on-site charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect water quality or quantity and that is listed in Footnote 1 below unless the activity is being performed by a licensed construction contractor working within the scope of his or her license.2
1The following water distribution system operation or maintenance activities may affect water quality or quantity; cleaning (swabbing, pigging, scraping, or air-purging) existing or repaired water mains; tapping, depressurizing/dewatering, or disinfecting existing or repaired water mains; dewatering, cleaning, or disinfecting existing or repaired finished-water storage tanks; and manually operating pumps, or adjusting automatic pump controls or automatic control valves, as necessary to regulate water distribution system flows or pressures.
2Part I of Chapter 489, F.S., and rules adopted thereunder and administered by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Construction Industry Licensing Board regulate the construction industry and establish whether construction work, including the repair or replacement of water distribution system facilities, must be performed by a licensed construction contractor.
3For wholesale systems, a Category I water distribution system serving less than 1,000 persons shall be classified as a Level 3 water distribution system.
2.Water Distribution System Category II
Distribution System
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Distribution system connected to a Class D water treatment plant.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
The lead/chief operator must be a Level 4 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class D or higher water treatment plant operator. Additionally, a Level 4 or higher water distribution system operator or a Class D or higher water treatment plant operator shall be in on-site charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect water quality or quantity and that is listed in Footnote 1 below unless the activity is being performed by a licensed construction contractor working within the scope of his or her license.2
1Water distribution system operation and maintenance activities that may affect water quality or quantity include the following: cleaning (swabbing, pigging, scraping, or air-purging) existing or repaired water mains; tapping, depressurizing/dewatering, or disinfecting existing or repaired water mains; dewatering, cleaning, or disinfecting existing or repaired finished-water storage tanks; and manually operating pumps, or adjusting automatic pump controls or automatic control valves, as necessary to regulate water distribution system flows or pressures.
2Part I of Chapter 489, F.S., and rules adopted thereunder and administered by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Construction Industry Licensing Board regulate the construction industry and establish whether construction work, including the repair or replacement of water distribution system facilities, must be performed by a licensed construction contractor.
Rule 62-699.311 Additional Classification and Staffing Requirements.
(1) No change.
(2)A daily check of each Class C or D domestic wastewater treatment plant shall be performed by the permittee, or his or her representative or agent, each day the plant is in operation or 5 days per week, whichever is less. The daily check of a plant shall include on-site observation of the plant to verify that it is functioning and may include the taking of readings or samples or the performing of tests or measurements; and the daily check of a plant shall be noted in the operation and maintenance log required under subsection 62-602.650(4) 62-602.650(5), F.A.C. A daily visit, or daily staffing, of a plant by an appropriately licensed operator fulfills the requirement for a daily check of the plant. Nothing in this subsection (2) shall be construed as allowing anyone to perform compliance tests for domestic wastewater unless he or she meets applicable qualification requirements in subsection 62-601.400(3), F.A.C.
(3)Checks of water treatment plants shall be performed by suppliers of water, or their representatives or agents, as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) below. Each plant check shall be noted in the plant’s operation and maintenance log required under paragraph 62-555.350(12)(a), F.A.C., or subsection 62-602.650(4) 62-602.650(5), F.A.C. Nothing in this subsection (3) shall be construed as allowing anyone to perform compliance measurements for drinking water unless he or she meets applicable qualification requirements in subsection 62-550.550(1) or (2), F.A.C.
(a) through (b) No change.
(4) through (15) No change.