North Broward Hospital DistrictNOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 155.40(5)(e)(1), F.S.
On December 19, 2012, the North Broward Hospital District Board of Commissioners (“Board”) conducted a public hearing, in accordance with Section 155.40, F.S., to determine whether the North Broward Hospital District should continue to own and operate its hospitals or whether any of the individual hospitals, or the system, should be operated by a for-profit or not-for-profit entity. Based upon the totality of the information considered by the Board, including the valuation report prepared by Deloitte, LLP, the comparisons of the operating costs and measurable quality outcomes between the hospitals operated by the North Broward Hospital District and other similarly situated not-for-profit and for-profit hospitals with similar service mixes, comments from the public, comments from the Board, and input from professional staff, the North Broward Hospital District Board of Commissioners took the following action:
1) The report prepared by Deloitte, LLP, pursuant to Section 155.40, F.S., was formally accepted by the Board and made a part of the public records of the North Broward Hospital District; and
2) In light of the specific observations and conclusions detailed in the Deloitte report regarding industry trends and the severe impacts of the Affordable Care Act, the Board directed the initiation of a long-term planning and review process to ascertain the best manner and structure in which to fulfill its mission in the future.