Michael J. Wolfe, on behalf of Advanced Shelter Solutions, Inc., on December 19, 2008.; Petitioner seeks clarification of the local building official’s authority to take action when a product approved under Chapter 9B-72, F.A.C., is sold or ...
Division of Housing and Community DevelopmentNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Florida Building Commission has received the petition for declaratory statement from Michael J. Wolfe, on behalf of Advanced Shelter Solutions, Inc., on December 19, 2008. The petition seeks the Florida Building Commission’s opinion on the requirements of Chapter 9B-72, F.A.C., as they apply to the petitioner. Petitioner seeks clarification of the local building official’s authority to take action when a product approved under Chapter 9B-72, F.A.C., is sold or advertised for an application that is inconsistent with the conditions or limitations of its approval. It has been assigned the number DCA08-DEC-359.
A copy of the request may be obtained by writing to: Paula P. Ford, Commission Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100.