Regional Planning Councils, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council  


    Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council

    The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) or Designated Official Planning Agency (DOPA) is accepting proposals from qualified agencies or firms for the award of a contract to operate transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged in Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida. The selected contractor will be the designated Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for the Transportation Disadvantaged, as authorized by Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, and more fully described in Rule 41-2 of the Florida Administrative Code.

    Request for Proposals may be obtained from the contact listed below or electronically at

    Completed proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. EST on February 4, 2013 at the office of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. One original, five (5) copies and one electronic copy on CD or DVD of the proposal must be submitted to: Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, 1926 Victoria Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33901; ATTN: Ms. Nichole Gwinnett, Administrative Specialist II, (239) 338-2550 ext. 232; email:

    The outside of the envelope or box containing the proposal must be marked “Proposal for Community Transportation Coordinator.”

    Faxed and electronically mailed responses will not be accepted.

    Proposals must include a separate and sealed envelope containing a proposed annual budget and cost proposal and the envelope shall be clearly marked “Annual Budget and Cost Proposal.” If responding as a Transportation Operator in addition to Coordinator, provide a fare proposal and fare structure based on fully allocated costs and describe the methodology for the fare proposal. Both of these materials shall be included in two separate sealed envelopes marked “Annual Budget and Cost Proposal for Community Transportation Coordinator” and “Fare Proposal”.

    Questions about this RFP must be submitted in writing via email and must be received by the Agency contact listed above before January 18, 2013. Written responses to frequently asked or general questions will be posted on SWFRPC’s website at:

    The SWFRPC will accept no responsibility for proposals not so marked. Proposals are to remain in effect for ninety (90) calendar days from date of submission. The DOPA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any formality concerning proposals, or negotiate changes to the proposals whenever such rejection or waiver or negotiation is in the best interest of the State and the transportation disadvantaged.

    The SWFRPC reserves the right to waive any informality in any proposal, to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part, with or without cause, and/or to accept the proposal that in its judgment will be in the best interest of the SWFRPC and its citizens. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

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