Department of Environmental Protection, Office of the Secretary  



    Office of the Secretary

    Adaption Action Initiative (AAI) & Resilient Program Grant (RPG) Request for Applications, FY 2019 (NA19)

    The vision of the Florida Resilient Coastlines Program (FRCP) is that Florida’s coastal communities are resilient and prepared for the effects of rising sea levels, including coastal flooding, erosion, and ecosystem changes. This will be accomplished by synergizing community resilience planning, natural resource protection tools, and funding.

    FRCP announces the availability of state and federal funds for innovative coastal projects under its RPG (Florida state funds) and AAI (NOAA 309 federal funds) applications for fiscal year 2019-2020. Eligible applicants include Florida’s 35 coastal counties and the local governments within their boundaries that are required to include a coastal element in their comprehensive plan. Florida regional planning councils, national estuary programs, colleges, community colleges, and state universities may also apply, as long as an eligible local government agrees to participate as a partner.  Non-profit groups are not eligible as applicants. 

    Application Submittal Requirements, Application Instructions, Goals and Priority areas for each application type (RPG-State; AAI-Federal), Applications, and the criteria by which application are scored and recommended, can be found on the FRCP’s website under “Funding Opportunities” at: 30TU  

    All applications must be received no later than Noon, ET, Feb. 4, 2019.Include the Subject Heading of: “FY 2019 RPG Application” or “FY 2019 AAI Application.”  Send the completed electronic application, in both a Word (doc) and portable document format (pdf), to:

    Florida Resilient Coastlines Program

    Email: 30TResilience@FloridaDEP.gov30T

    Phone: (850)245-2094


    Please note the following important details regarding the application process for FY 2019:


    1. Application deadline is Noon, ET, on Feb. 4, 2019.

    2. Applications must be submitted in BOTH Word (doc) and portable document format (pdf).

    3. RPG Projects must be completed by June 19, 2020. 

    4. AAI Projects must be completed by Dec. 31, 2020.

    5. Applications can expect the max award to be between $20,000 and $75,000.

    6. One application per applicant may be submitted per state fiscal year cycle, per funding source (i.e., one application per county, city, or other eligible applicant.). Applicants will not receive funding from both sources for the same project.

    7. Recipients are not required to provide a match.


    For questions on the applications, please contact Florida Resilient Coastlines Program via 850-245-2094 or email to


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