RFA 2014-101 Financing To Build Permanent Supportive Housing For Homeless Persons And Families
Florida Housing Finance Corporation (the Corporation) was appropriated $10 million in non-recurring grant funds by the 2013 Legislature to finance housing for Homeless persons and families. The legislation specified that the Corporation offer the funding through a competitive grant program to private Non-Profit organizations. Funding must be used to create housing for Homeless individuals and families, with priority given to those households with Extremely Low Incomes. The funding must be used to purchase and renovate existing houses or to construct or purchase and renovate small specialty housing of 15 Units or less. In addition to the $10 million appropriation, the Corporation made available up to $2 million in additional gap grant financing to support the development of Units set aside for Extremely Low Income residents. A request for applications (RFA) to distribute this funding was issued October 13, 2013. That RFA resulted in Florida Housing’s Board approving six Applications accounting for $8,303,102 in grant funding requests and $460,800 in gap grant financing. Florida Housing is issuing this RFA, to distribute the balance of the $10 million in grant funds, which is $1,696,898, and an estimated $425,000 in gap grant financing to support the development of Units set aside for Extremely Low Income Residents.
This RFA is open to private Non-Profit Applicants that are proposing the creation of affordable, rental Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless persons and families, as defined in Section 420.621 (5), F.S., through new construction or Rehabilitation of existing housing. It is the Corporation’s intent to fund housing that is in conformance with the priorities of Local Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Plans.
Applications shall be accepted until 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on Wednesday, February 12, 2014, to the attention of Ken Reecy, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. For questions or additional information, please contact Ken Reecy at Ken.Reecy@floridahousing.org. The RFA, which outlines selection criteria and Applicant’s responsibilities, can be downloaded from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation web site at http://www.floridahousing.org/BusinessAndLegal/Solicitations/RequestForApplications/2014-101.
Any modifications that occur to the Request for Applications will be posted at the web site and may result in an extension of the deadline. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to check the website for any modifications prior to the deadline date.