Definitions, Permits - Applications, Waters Exempt from Permitting  



    Aquatic Plants



    68F-20.002Permits - Applications

    68F-20.0035Waters Exempt from Permitting


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 44 No. 153, August 7, 2018 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The proposed amendments to the rules of Section 68-F20 have been changed to include the following:

    68F-20.0015 Definitions.

    (1) through (22) No change.

    (23) “Public waterbody” means a body of waterbody that is accessible by the boating public, either by either of the following: waters that themselves have a boatable connection to another public waterbody, or

    (a) A by way of an established, improved boat ramp that has:

    1.(a) A There must be a sign at the boat ramp stating that the location it is a public boat ramp or use area,.

    2.(b) A There must be at least one directional sign on the nearest paved roadway, indicating the way to the boat ramp,.

    3.(c) There must be Ssufficient size and space to safely launch a boat from turn a vehicle and attached trailer around, and

    4. Aample parking space within 0.25 miles of the boat ramp; or.

    (d) A ramp fee can be charged, provided that the fee is not unreasonable (in keeping with ramp fees charged in the area).

    (b) Waters that themselves have a boatable connection to another public waterbody.

    (24) through (28) No change.


    68F-20.002 Permits – Applications.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Application format and requirements:

    (a) No change.

    (b) Applications for new permits, renewal permits, or amendments to existing permits shall be submitted electronically through the Commission’s aquatic plant control online permitting system, on the Commission’s web site at / IPM-01, a document encompassing the content of the application entitled “Aquatic Plant Control Permit Application” (dated September 2018), is hereby incorporated by reference and available at (link here). Persons unable to apply electronically should contact the Commission’s Invasive Plant Management Section for assistance with in the application process.

    (c) through (d) No change.

    (e) As part of the application, the applicant shall provide a diagram of the proposed management site (“site map”) which shall contain at a minimum the following information:

    1. through 5. No change.

    6. A cCopy of any existing conservation easement established in the area aquatic plant control is proposed.

    7. Legends that explain all symbols and patterns used in the management site map diagram.

    (4) through (8) No change.


    68F-20.0035 Waters or Activities Exempt from Permitting.

    (1) No aquatic plant control permit is required by the Commission for the following waters or activities:

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (c) Electrical power plant cooling ponds, reservoirs, or canals, unless there is a direct connection to Waters of Special Concern when herbicides are used and throughout any water use restriction periods required by the herbicide product label, or there is a connection to a manatee aggregation site that would allow the ingress and egress of a manatee into the water body.

    (d) Waters that are less than 160 surface acres unless:

    1. The Waters are a public waterbody or a waterbody that has a boatable connection to a public waterbody, or

    2. No change.

    (e) through (g) No change.

    (2) No change.