The purpose and effect of the new rules is to implement the provisions of section 559.952(10), F.S., allow for the adoption of certain forms to implement the provisions of section 559.952, F.S., allow applicants and licensees ....  

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Comments Open:
The new rules will implement the provisions of section 559.952(10), F.S., allow for the adoption of certain forms to implement the provisions of section 559.952, F.S., allow applicants and licensees to file all required forms electronically and to pay all required fees electronically, set forth the application procedure and requirements for filed applications, set forth the evaluation process for completed application, specify information that certain licensees must provide in connection with ...
The purpose and effect of the new rules is to implement the provisions of section 559.952(10), F.S., allow for the adoption of certain forms to implement the provisions of section 559.952, F.S., allow applicants and licensees to file all required forms electronically and to pay all required fees electronically, set forth the application procedure and requirements for filed applications, set forth the evaluation process for completed application, specify information that certain licensees must ...
Rulemaking Authority:
559.952(5), 559.952(6)(c), 559.952(8), 559.952(11)(a)
559.952(4), 559.952(4)(a), 559.952(5), 559.952(5)(h), 559.952(6)(b), 559.952(6)(c), 559.952(7)(a), 559.952(7)(b), 559.952(7)(c), 559.952(8), 559.952(9), 559.952(10), 559.952(11)(a), 943.053
Related Rules: (12)
69V-559.1000. Disciplinary Guidelines
69V-559.1012. Adoption of Forms
69V-559.1013. Electronic Filing of Forms and Fees
69V-559.102. Application or Appointment Procedures and Requirement
69V-559.1021. Application Evaluation
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