Department of Education, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind  

  • RFQ for Environmental Health & Safety

    Public Announcement for Professional Services for Continuing Contract for Environmental, Health and Safety


    The Florida School for The Deaf and The Blind (FSDB) requests qualifications for Environmental, Health and Safety Services for a Continuing Contract. The firm selected under the Continuing Contract will be responsible for assigned facility projects having estimated construction cost and study fees as provided for in Chapter 287.055 Florida Statutes.


    The contract will have an initial period of one (1) year with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods.  Selection of finalists will be held in accordance with Chapter 287.055, Florida Statute. 


    PROJECT LOCATION:  Florida School for the Deaf & the Blind, 207 San Marco Avenue, St. Augustine, FL  32084


    SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED:  Shall be Environmental, Health and Safety Services, but not limited to; Wetland assessments and mapping, Air emission evaluations and permitting, NPDES/POTW permitting and compliance, Hazardous/Universal/Solid waste management and compliance, Phase I, II, and III environmental assessments, Remedial action plans, Storm water pollutions preventions and countermeasures, EPA and FDEP compliance and compliance audits, Asbestos, Lead paint, Mold consulting, Indoor air quality investigations, OSHA compliance and compliance audits, EH&S training programs.  Work will be awarded on a project-by-project basis that may include any or all of the above services, or services not specifically mentioned, but directly related to the specific discipline.  Consultants may hire sub-consultants to be used for portions of the required services; however, the primary Consultant must be responsible for all of the work performed. 


    FSDB PROJECT MANAGER:  Mark Benjamin


    PHONE NUMBER:  904-827-2857


    RESPONSE DUE DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, October 31, 2012 by 3:00 p.m.


    INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL:  Firms interested in being considered for this project should contact Laura Bowden, Contract Administrator at BowdenL@FSDB.K12.FL.US  for a selection booklet, “Selection of Continuing Contract for Environmental, Health and Safety Services.”

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