Application Requirements for Water Well Contractors, Water Well Contractor License Renewal, Unlawful Acts, Grounds for Disciplinary Actions, and Penalties  

    62-531.300: Application Requirements for Water Well Contractors
    62-531.330: Water Well Contractor License Renewal
    62-531.450: Unlawful Acts, Grounds for Disciplinary Actions, and Penalties
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 33 No. 1, January 5, 2007 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

           62-531.300 Application Requirements for Water Well Contractors.

          (1) through (6) No change.

          (7) Satisfactory proof of two years experience in the water well construction business shall be demonstrated by providing one or more letters from the applicant’s supervising water well contractors that the applicant has worked with the contractors for at least two years in constructing, repairing, or abandoning water wells a list of at least ten water wells, together with their locations, major use, and approximate depth and diameter, that the applicant has constructed, repaired or abandoned. Of the ten wells, at least seven must have been constructed, rather than repaired or abandoned, by the applicant. This list shall provide the name and address of the owner or owners of each well, and the approximate date the construction of each well was completed. For water wells drilled in Florida, a copy of the completion report for each well shall accompany the list. Completion dates of the ten wells needed to demonstrate the two-years of experience shall be distributed over a consecutive 24 month period. In addition, the applicant shall provide letters from three persons in the water well construction industry, which for the purposes of this requirement are water well contractors, well drillers, vendors of water well parts or equipment, and government-employed well inspectors, attesting to the length of time the applicant has been working in the water well construction business as a major activity.

          (8) In order to receive mailings from the Department or the Districts, including notice about the license application, it is advised that tThe applicant shall informs the District within 30 days of any change of the applicant’s address.


          62-531.330 Water Well Contractor License Renewal.

          (1) through (8) No change.

          (9) In order to receive mailings from the Department or the Districts, including notice for license renewal, it is advised that tThe contractor shall informs the District within 30 days of any change of the contractor’s address.


          62-531.450 Unlawful Acts, Grounds for Disciplinary Actions, and Penalties.

          (1) through (4) No change.

          (5) When the District finds a person guilty of any of the grounds for disciplinary action in subsection (4) above, it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following disciplinary actions in accordance with the guidelines established in the Department's Water Well Contractor Disciplinary Guidelines and Procedures Manual, October 2002 November 2006:

          (a) through (6) No change.