The purpose and effect of this proposed rule is to reimplement as administrative rules requirements of unclaimed refunds that were previously repealed as a part of 19B-16.011.  

Document Information

Comments Open:
This rule details the requirements for written notice to benefactors that are due a refund for a terminated Investment Plan account prior to the escheatment of the refund to the Trust Fund. Conforms this rule to the changes.
The purpose and effect of this proposed rule is to reimplement as administrative rules requirements of unclaimed refunds that were previously repealed as a part of 19B-16.011.
Rulemaking Authority:
1009.971(1), (4), (6) FS.
1009.971, 1009.972(5), 1009.981(4), FS.
Related Rules: (1)
19B-16.014. Unclaimed Refunds