Florida Department of Health
Sarasota County Health Department
Tobacco Awareness Addition
North Port, FL
Peter R. Brown Construction, Inc. (CGC-061419), the Construction Manager for the Florida Department of Health and FDOH Sarasota County Health Department Tobacco Awareness Addition hereby solicits sealed proposals for the referenced project in accordance with the proposal documents to include but not limited to the following:
The Scope of Work for this project includes but is not limited to the following:
This project consists of a 2,232 sqft one-story addition to an existing one-story structure. The exterior walls of the new addition are 8'' masonry walls on three sides and a shared exterior wall with the existing building structure. A standing seam metal roof system is connected to the existing roof system to provide a consistent and seamless elevation for this addition.
The interior portion of this addition consists of a multi-purpose room with an operable partition wall, a lobby entrance area, two restrooms, a storage room and related infrastructure spaces (mechanical, electrical, telecom, etc.). The interior walls of this addition are 4'' drywall partitions and furred drywall at the inside face of the exterior masonry wall. Acoustical ceilings are included in all areas except the restrooms which are drywall ceilings and the mechanical/electrical room which is exposed to the ceiling structure. Carpet is included for each office space and the Multi-Purpose Room, VCT flooring is included at the Lobby, Corridor, Storage Room and Telecom Room, and ceramic floor tile with ceramic wall tile wainscot is included in each Restroom.
Operable aluminum windows are included in the Multi-purpose Room and each Office. The exterior door is included as a storefront door system at the main entrance and a hollow metal door at the Mechanical/Electrical room and Multi-Purpose Room. Interior doors are pre-finished wood doors with hollow metal frames.
Nine new plumbing fixtures are included as part of this project, the potable water and santitary sewer connections are located within 50'-0'' of the existing building. A new split system HVAC unit services the new area with new ductwork, VAV boxes and locally controlled thermostats.
The electrical portion of this project consists of new lighting fixtures, receptacles, data drops and panel boxes. The electrical service for the addition is connected to the existing building MSB.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. (Local Time), Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at the following location:
Sarasota County Health Department
North Port Health and Family Service Center
6950 Outreach Way
North Port, FL 34287
Deadline for receipt of All Proposal Packages has been set for 2:00 p.m., November 25, 2008. Only proposals received on or before the time and date listed will be considered. All proposals received after 2:00 p.m., of the day specified above, will be returned unopened.
All interested subcontractors must be pre-qualified or have completed the pre-qualification process within the last year. Subcontractors must submit pre-qualification prior to November 20, 2008, in order to be considered for this project. Please contact the following person to obtain information or documents about the pre-qualification requirements for this project:
Jenny Sanchez, Estimator
Phone: (727)535-6407 Fax: (727)539-8485
Florida Department of Health and Peter R. Brown Construction, Inc. are committed to provide equal opportunity and strongly encourage all interested M/WBE and SBE firms to submit proposals.
One set of plans and specifications will be supplied to all pre-qualified trade contractors at no cost. Drawings will be available October 28, 2008. Trade contractors are responsible for the cost of shipping. Additional sets may be purchased directly from the copy center. Copy center information will be distributed with the Proposal Packages.
Florida Department of Health and Peter R. Brown Construction, Inc. reserve the right to accept or reject any and all proposals in whole or part and to waive informalities and irregularities.
No verbal instruction or directives will be accepted regarding this project during the proposal period. All instructions or directives must be clarified through written Addenda or Supplements. All questions regarding the work should be directed to the Construction Manager, in writing by November 4, 2008. The Owner and Architect will not accept calls regarding this project.