Conditions for Issuance of Permits  

    40C-41.063: Conditions for Issuance of Permits
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 32 No. 33, August 18, 2006 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    40C-41.063 Conditions for Issuance of Permits.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Within the Wekiva River Hydrologic Basin, or the Wekiva Recharge Protection Basin, the following standards and criteria are established:

    (a) Recharge Standard – Applicants required to obtain a permit pursuant to Chapters 40C-4, 40C-40, 40C-42, or 40C-44, F.A.C., for a surface water management system located within the Wekiva Recharge Protection Basin shall demonstrate that the system provides for retention storage of three inches of runoff from all impervious areas proposed to be constructed on soils defined as a Type “A” Soils as defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey in the following NRCS publications: Soil Survey of Flagler County Area, Florida (1997); Soil Survey of Lake County Area, Florida (1975); Soil Survey of Orange County Area, Florida (1989); and Soil Survey of Seminole County Area, Florida (1990); and Soil Survey of Volusia County Area, Florida (1980), which are hereby incorporated by reference. For purposes of this rule, areas with Type “A” Soils shall be considered “Most Effective Recharge Areas.” The system shall be capable of infiltrating this storage volume through natural percolation into the surrounding soils within 72 hours. Off-site areas or regional systems may be utilized to satisfy this requirement. As an alternative, applicants may demonstrate that the post-development recharge capacity is equal to or greater than the pre-development recharge capacity. Pre-development recharge shall be based upon the land uses in place as of (effective date). Applicants may utilize existing permitted municipal master stormwater systems, in lieu of onsite retention, to demonstrate that post-development recharge is equal to or greater than pre-development recharge. Also, applicants may submit additional geotechnical information to establish whether or not a site contains Type “A” soils.

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Related Rules: (1)
40C-41.063. Conditions for Issuance of Permits