Water Management Districts, Suwannee River Water Management District  



    Suwannee River Water Management District

    ITB 17/18-003AO Ellaville #15 Timber Sale

    Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD or Owner) invites you to participate in the bidding process for timber on the property as described below:

    Madison County, Florida - Section/Township/Range: Parts of section 23, 24, 27 & 34, T1S, R11E

    This sale is a clear-cut of 193 acres and a marked select thinning of 63 acres within the sale boundary. All merchantable pines and hardwoods in the clear-cut areas are to be harvested. Only unmarked pine is to be harvested in the thinning areas.

    Bidders are required to complete and submit one (1) original Bid Response Form. Bid form shall be sent in one envelope to:

    Pennie Flickinger, Business Resource Specialist III

    Suwannee River Water Management District

    9225 CR 49

    Live Oak, Florida 32060

    Phone: (386)362-1001 or (386)647-3120

    Bids are due at the above address prior to 10:15 a.m. on November 1, 2017. Bids received after this time, for any reason, will be rejected. Responses must be hard copy. Please note: FAX or email transmittals will not be accepted.

    All responses shall be submitted in sealed envelopes with the invitation number (ITB 17/18-003 AO) and opening time and date clearly marked in large, bold and/or colored lettering. Responses delivered in an envelope not properly marked with the Bid number and Bid opening date and time that are inadvertently opened by District personnel will not be considered.

    The bid shall be hand-delivered or mailed. Respondents should be aware that no common carrier guarantees next-day delivery to District headquarters.

    If you need assistance, please call: Steve Carpenter, SRWMD, at (386)647-3166 or 1(800)226-1066 (FL only) or Brad Ellis, Florida Forest Service at (386)208-1460 (office).

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