The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to remove information which does not constitute rule material, include envelopes and security pens as items which are counted by type rather than number, reflect the proposed changes to Rules 33-501.401 ...  

    33-601.800: Close Management
    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to remove information which does not constitute rule material, include envelopes and security pens as items which are counted by type rather than number, reflect the proposed changes to Rules 33-501.401 and 33-503.001, F.A.C., clarify form references throughout, and amend Form DC4-729, Behavioral Risk Assessment, to reflect rule amendments.
    SUBJECT AREA TO BE ADDRESSED: Close management.


    33-601.800 Close Management.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Procedures for Placement in Close Management.

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (c) The classification officer shall complete section I of Form DC6-233C, the Report of Close Management, Form DC6-233C. Form DC6-233C is incorporated by reference in subsection (19) of this rule. Upon completion of section I, the classification officer shall forward Form DC6-233C to the classification supervisor. The classification officer shall ensure that the inmate receives a copy of the Report of Close Management, Form DC6-233C, to prepare for the close management review. The inmate will be given a minimum of 48 hours to prepare for the review unless waived by completing Form DC6-265, a Close Management Waiver, Form DC6-265. Form DC6-265 is incorporated by reference in subsection (19) of this rule. The inmate may present information verbally or in writing for consideration by the ICT. The staff member delivering Form DC6-233C to the inmate shall document on Form DC6-233C that the inmate was informed of his or her allotted time to prepare for the review.

    (d) Prior to docketing an inmate’s case for close management review, the classification supervisor will submit a referral to the senior psychologist for evaluation of the inmate utilizing Form DC6-128, the Close Management Referral Assessment, Form DC6-128. Form DC6-128 is incorporated by reference in subsection (19) of this rule.

    (e) through (f) No change.

    (g) ICT Hearing. The ICT shall evaluate the recommendations for close management placement and the mental health assessment, interview the inmate, and consider the information provided by the inmate. The ICT shall ensure that the inmate was given a minimum of 48 hours to prepare for the review unless waived by completing Form DC6-265, a Close Management Waiver, Form DC6-265. The team shall document on Form DC6-233C that the inmate was allowed at least 48 hours to prepare for the review. The ICT shall inquire whether or not the inmate is in need of staff assistance. A staff assistant shall be assigned to assist an inmate when the team determines that the inmate is illiterate or does not understand English, has a disability that would hinder the inmate’s ability to represent him or herself, or when the complexity of the issue makes it unlikely that the inmate will be able to properly represent him or herself. This assistance can also be provided at the inmate’s request. In such event, it is the responsibility of the staff member to explain the close management recommendation and procedures to the inmate. Even though the staff member will be authorized to assist an inmate during the hearing and aid the inmate in presenting his or her position, the staff member shall not take the position of an advocate or defense attorney for the inmate. The ICT is authorized to postpone the case review to allow an inmate additional time to prepare. If an extension of time is given, the team shall document the postponement on Form DC6-233C. The inmate will appear at the hearing unless he or she demonstrates disruptive behavior, either before or during the hearing, that impedes the process or the inmate waives his or her right to be present at the close management hearing. If the inmate waives his or right to be present at the close management hearing, the Close Management Waiver, Form DC6-265, shall be completed. In such cases, the review will be completed without the inmate. The absence, removal, or presence of the inmate will be documented on Form DC6-233C. After the interview and review of all pertinent information including the mental health assessment, the ICT will make a recommendation to the SCO. This recommendation will be documented on Form DC6-233C. The ICT will inform the inmate of the basis for its decision and provide a copy of the team’s decision to the inmate after the conclusion of the hearing. The ICT classification member will ensure that the team results are entered in OBIS.

    (h) The SCO will review the recommendations of the ICT, the Close Management Referral Assessment, Form DC6-128, and other pertinent information before making the final decision regarding close management placement. This review will be on site and the SCO may interview the inmate, except in situations requiring more immediate action. In these cases, the SCO will review the documentation in OBIS. The SCO will approve, disapprove, or modify the ICT’s recommendation or obtain further information from the team before reaching a final decision. If the team’s recommendation is disapproved or modified by the SCO, the inmate will be informed of the decision in writing by the SCO. Inmate notification will not be required when the SCO has approved the ICT’s recommendation. After the review is complete, the SCO will document its decision in OBIS. A copy of Form DC6-233C will be kept in the inmate record file.

    (4) through (5) No change.

    (6) Close Management Facilities.

    (a) through (d) No change.

    (e) Water Supply to CM Units. All close management cells will be equipped with toilet facilities and running water for drinking and other sanitary purposes. Water in the cell can be turned off when necessary due to misbehavior. Misbehavior is defined as any activity exhibited by an inmate which causes an interruption in the water system and its proper function, such as intentionally clogging a toilet bowl or sink with paper in order to then flood the housing area. It also includes the intentional misuse of the water for such purposes as throwing it on staff or other inmates, or mixing it with another substance for an unauthorized purpose (inmate mixes water with soap or shampoo and applies to the floor or himself or herself to hinder cell extraction). In such event, the inmate will be furnished with an adequate supply of drinking water by other means to prevent dehydration. This action can be taken in addition to formal disciplinary action being taken against the inmate pursuant to established procedures regarding disciplinary action. Any misbehavior from an inmate and subsequent action by security staff will be documented on the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229. Form DC6-229 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.220, F.A.C. subsection (19) of this rule.

    (f) Prior to placement of an inmate in a close management cell, the cell will be thoroughly inspected by the housing officer to ensure that it is in proper order. The housing officer shall document the cell’s condition on Form DC6-221, Cell Inspection. After such time, the inmate housed in that cell will be responsible for the condition of the cell. Form DC6-221 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.220, F.A.C. subsection (19) of this rule.

    (g) through (h) No change.

    (7) No change.

    (8) Behavioral Risk Assessment.

    (a) The MDST shall determine behavioral risk of each CM team decision inmate by completing Form DC4-729, the Behavioral Risk Assessment (BRA), Form DC4-729. Form DC4-729 is incorporated by reference in subsection (19) of this rule.

    (b) through (f) No change.

    (9) No change.

    (10) Conditions and Privileges in CM Units.

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (c) Personal Property – Inmates shall be allowed to retain personal property including stamps, watches, rings, writing paper, envelopes and health and comfort items unless there is an indication of a security problem. Close management inmates at all levels shall be allowed to possess a “walkman” type radio with approved headphones as is allowed for general population inmates. Exceptions or removal of any item will be documented on the Form DC6-229. Form DC6-220, An Inmate Impounded Personal Property List, Form DC6-220, will be completed by security staff and signed by the inmate designating what personal items were removed. The original will then be placed in the inmate’s property file and a copy of the form will be given to the inmate for his or her records. If items of clothing, bedding or personal property are removed in order to prevent the inmate from inflicting injury to him or herself or others, to prevent the destruction of property or equipment, or to prevent the inmate from impeding security staff from accomplishing functions essential to the unit and institutional security, staff shall re-assess the need for continued restriction every 72 hours thereafter. The warden, based on this assessment, will make the final determination on the continued denial or return of the items. The items will be returned to the inmate when no further behavior or threat of behavior of the type leading to the restriction has occurred. Form DC6-220 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.201 33-602.220, F.A.C.

    (d) Comfort Items – Inmates in close management shall be permitted personal hygiene items and other medically needed or prescribed items such as eye glasses or hearing aids, except when security requirements dictate otherwise. Inmates in close management shall not possess any products that contain baby oil, mineral oil, cocoa butter, or alcohol. In the event certain items that inmates in close management are not normally prohibited from possessing are removed, the senior correctional officer shall be notified and must approve the action taken, or the item must be returned to the inmate. Action taken shall be recorded on the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229, which must be reviewed by the chief of security. When any personal property is removed, an Inmate Impounded Personal Property List, Form DC6-220, designating what personal items were removed, shall be completed by security staff and signed by the inmate. The following comfort items shall be provided as a minimum: toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, towel or paper towels, and feminine hygiene products for women, and toilet tissue.

    (e) No change.

    (f) Diet and Meals – All inmates in close management shall receive normal institutional meals as are available to the general inmate population except that if any item on the regular menu might create a security problem in the close management area, then another item of comparable quality shall be substituted. An alternative meal (special management meal) may be provided for any inmate in close management who uses food or food service equipment in a manner that is hazardous to him or herself, staff, or other inmates. The issuance of a special management meal will be in strict accordance with Rule 33-602.223, F.A.C. Any deviation from established meal service is to be documented by security staff on Form DC6-209, Housing Unit Log and Form DC6-210, Incident Report the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229. Form DC6-209 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.220, F.A.C., and Form DC6-210 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.210, F.A.C.

    (g) Canteen Items.

    1. Inmates in CMI and II, following 30 days in close management status and having no major rule violations during this period, will be allowed to make canteen purchases through canteen order once per week unless restricted by disciplinary action. Inmates in CMI and II will be allowed to purchase up to five non-food items and five food items. In making this determination, with the exception of stamps, envelopes, security pens, and notebook paper, it is the number of items that is counted not the type of item. For example, three security pens counts as three items, not one item, tTwenty-five stamps or fewer will count as one item, and two packages or less of notebook paper will count as one item.

    2. Inmates in CMIII, following 30 days in close management status and having no major rule violations during this period, will be allowed to make canteen purchases through canteen order once each week unless restricted by disciplinary action. Inmates in CMIII will be allowed to purchase up to five non-food items and ten food items. In making the determination, with the exception of stamps, envelopes, security pens, and notebook paper, it is the number of items that is counted not the type of item. For example, three packages of cookies count as three items, not one item.

    3. through 4. No change.

    (h) Religious Accommodations – Inmates in close management status shall be allowed to participate in religious ceremonies that can be accomplished at cell-side (for example, communion). Additionally, close management inmates shall be allowed to possess religious publications as defined in Rule 33-503.001, F.A.C., literature and have access to a spiritual advisor or clergy visit with citizen clergy persons at a time and location approved by the warden.

    (i) Legal Access – An inmate in close management will have access to his or her personal legal papers and law books which are not available in the law library and have correspondence access with the law library. Access to the law library will be obtained through delivery of research materials to an inmate’s cell, and access to visits with research aides. Although the inmate may not be represented by an attorney at any administrative hearing under this rule, access to an attorney or aide to that attorney will be granted for legal visits at any reasonable time during normal business hours. Indigent inmates will be provided paper and writing utensils in order to prepare legal papers. Inmates who are not indigent will be allowed to purchase paper and envelopes from the canteen for this purpose, within the stated time frames. Typewriters or typing services are not considered required items and will not be permitted in close management cells. Inmates with disabilities that hinder the preparation of legal correspondence will be allowed the use of auxiliary aids (writer/reader). An inmate who is provided an auxiliary aid shall also be allowed access to a research aide for the purpose of preparing legal documents, legal mail, and filing grievances.

    (j) through (k) No change.

    (l) Reading materials –

    1. Inmates in close management shall be provided access to admissible reading material as provided in Rule 33-501.401, F.A.C., Reading materials, including scriptural or devotional materials and books that are in compliance with admissibility requirements, are allowed in close management units unless there is an indication of a threat to the safety, security, or sanitation of the institution. If it is determined that there is a safety, security or sanitation risk, the items will be removed. Such removal of reading materials will be documented on Form DC6-229, Daily Record of Special Housing. If items are removed in order to prevent the inmate from inflicting injury to him or herself or others or to prevent the destruction of property or equipment, staff shall re-assess the need for continued restriction every 72 hours thereafter. The warden, based on this assessment, will make the final determination on the continued denial or return of the items. The items will be returned to the inmate when no further behavior or threat of behavior of the type leading to the restriction has occurred.

    2. An inmate who receives services from the Bureau of Braille and Talking Book library will be allowed to have his tape player, devotional or scriptural material tapes, and other books on tape which are in compliance with Rule 33-501.401, F.A.C.

    (m) Exercise – Those inmates confined on a 24-hour basis excluding showers and clinic trips may exercise in their cells. If the inmate requests a physical fitness program handout, the wellness specialist or the close management officer shall provide the inmate with an in-cell exercise guide and document such on the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229. However, an exercise schedule shall be implemented to ensure a minimum of six hours per week (two hours three days per week) of exercise out of doors. The assignment and participation of an inmate on the restricted labor squad or other outside work squad required to work outside at least one day per week will satisfy the minimum exercise requirements for the week. Such exercise periods shall be documented on Form DC6-229. The ICT is authorized to restrict exercise for an individual inmate only when the inmate is found guilty of a major rule violation as defined in this rule, or if the inmate has pending a disciplinary hearing for a major rule violation as defined in this rule. Inmates shall be notified in writing of this decision and may appeal through the grievance procedure. The denial of exercise shall be for no more than 15 days per incident and for no longer than 30 days in cumulative length. Medical restrictions determined by health services staff can also place limitations on the amount and type of exercise permitted. Such restrictions of exercise periods will be documented on the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229. A disabled inmate who is unable to participate in the normal exercise program will have an exercise program developed for him that will accomplish the need for exercise and take into account the particular inmate’s limitations. Close management inmates shall be allowed equal access to outdoor exercise areas with exercise stations.

    (n) No change.

    (11) Programs and Privileges in Close Management Units.

    (a) While in a close management unit, an inmate’s movement within the institution and contacts with other individuals will be restricted. Privileges will also be limited depending on the specific close management level. If an inmate transfers to a less restrictive level due to satisfactory adjustment, the adjustment period required for any privilege shall be waived. Upon placement in CM, inmates shall receive a copy of Form NI1-046, the Close Management Housing Unit Instructions, Form NI1-046. Form NI1-046 is incorporated by reference in subsection (19) of this rule.

    (b) CMI. Privileges for an inmate assigned to CMI are as follows:

    1. No change;

    2. Check out three soft-back publications books from the library at least once per week and possess no more than three soft back publications books at any given time. An inmate who receives services from the Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library will be allowed to check out three publications books on tape per week and possess no more than three books at any given time, even though the actual number of tapes may be more than three per publication book;

    3. No change;

    4. Subscribe to one publication which is published and distributed more frequently than weekly and one publication which is published and distributed weekly or less frequently than weekly magazine and newspaper and possess no more than four issues of each at any given time; an inmate who receives services from the Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library will be allowed to receive up to four issues of a publication magazine;

    5. through 6. No change.

    (c) through (d) No change.

    (12) Suspension of Privileges. The ICT shall suspend an inmate’s privileges if security and safety concerns would preclude an inmate from receiving certain privileges. Any action taken by the ICT regarding the suspension or limiting of privileges will be documented on Form DC6-229, the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229. Privileges suspended by the ICT in excess of 30 days will require the review and approval of the SCO.

    (13) through (14) No change.

    (15) Contact by Staff. The following staff members shall be required to officially inspect and tour the close management unit. All visits by staff shall be documented on Form DC6-228, the Inspection of Special Housing Record, Form DC6-228. Form DC6-228 is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.220, F.A.C. The staff member shall also document his or her visit on Form DC6-229, the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229, if there is any discussion of significance, action or behavior of the inmate, or any other important evidential information which may have an influence or effect on the status of confinement. These visits shall be conducted at a minimum of:

    (a) through (i) No change.

    (16) Review of Close Management.

    (a) No change.

    (b) All services provided by any mental health or program staff member shall be recorded on Form DC6-229, the Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229, which shall be kept in the CM unit.

    (c) When an inmate has not been released to general population and is in any close management status for six months, the classification officer shall interview the inmate and shall prepare a formal assessment and evaluation on Form DC6-233C, the Report of Close Management. Such reports shall include a brief paragraph detailing the basis for the CM team decision, what has transpired during the six-month period, and whether the inmate should be released, maintained at the current level, or modified to another level of management. The case shall be forwarded to the classification supervisor who shall docket the case for ICT review.

    (d) The ICT shall review the report of close management prepared by the classification officer, consider the results of behavioral risk assessments and mental health evaluations and other information relevant to institutional adjustment, staff and inmate safety, and institutional security, and insert any other information regarding the inmate’s status. If applicable, the ICT shall review the inmate’s disciplinary confinement status in accordance with subsection 33-602.222(8), F.A.C. The inmate shall be present for an interview unless he or she demonstrates disruptive behavior, either before or during the hearing, that impedes the process, or the inmate waives his or her right to be present at the close management hearing, Form DC6-265, the Close Management Waiver, Form DC6-265, shall be completed. In such cases, the review will be completed without the inmate. The absence, removal or presence of the inmate will be documented on Form DC6-233C. The ICT’s CM and, if applicable,. dDisciplinary confinement status recommendations shall be documented in OBIS and the Report of Close Management, Form DC6-233C. If it is determined that no justifiable safety and security issues exists for the inmate to remain in close management the ICT shall forward their recommendation for release to the SCO for review. For an inmate to remain in close management the ICT shall justify the safety and security issues or circumstances that can only be met by maintaining the inmate at the current level or modifying the inmate to another level of management.

    (e) The SCO shall conduct an onsite interview with each inmate at least once every six months or as often as necessary to determine if continuation, modification, or removal from close management status is appropriate. The SCO shall review all reports prepared by the ICT concerning an inmate’s close management and, if applicable, disciplinary confinement status, consider the results of behavioral risk assessments and mental health evaluations and other information relevant to institutional adjustment, staff and inmate safety, and institutional security. The SCO shall interview the inmate unless exceptional circumstances exist or the inmate is approved for release to general population. If it is determined that no justifiable safety and security issues exist for the inmate to remain in close management the SCO shall cause the inmate to be immediately released. For an inmate to remain in close management, the SCO shall determine based on the reports and documentation that there are safety and security issues or circumstances for maintaining the inmate at the current level or at a modified level of management. If applicable and in accordance with subsection 33-602.222(8), F.A.C., the SCO shall determine whether the inmate is to continue or be removed from disciplinary confinement status. The SCO’s decisions shall be documented in OBIS and the Report of Close Management, Form DC6-233C. The SCO shall advise the inmate of its decision.

    (f) through (g) No change.

    (17) Close Management Records.

    (a) Form DC6-233C, A Report of Close Management, Form DC6-233C, shall be kept for each inmate placed in close management.

    (b) Form DC6-229, A Daily Record of Special Housing, Form DC6-229, shall be maintained for each inmate as long as he is in close management. Form DC6-229 shall be utilized to document any activities, including cell searches, items removed, showers, outdoor exercise, haircuts and shaves. If items that inmates in close management are not prohibited from possessing are denied or removed from the inmate, the shift supervisor or the senior correctional officer must approve the action initially. The Central Office ADA coordinator shall be contacted within 24 hours if any item is removed that would be considered an auxiliary aid or device that ensures a disabled inmate an equal opportunity as a non-disabled inmate. The items denied or removed shall be documented on Form DC6-229 and the chief of security shall make the final decision in regard to the action no later than the next working day following the action. Staff shall re-assess the need for continued restriction every 72 hours thereafter as outlined in subsection (10) of this rule. The close management unit officer shall make a notation of any unusual occurrences or changes in the inmate’s behavior and any action taken. Changes in housing location or any other special action shall also be noted. Form DC6-229 shall be maintained in the housing area for 30 days. After each 30 day review of the inmate by a member of the ICT, Form DC6-229 shall be forwarded to classification to be filed in the institutional inmate record.

    (c) Form DC6-229B, A Daily Record of Special Housing – Supplemental, Form DC6-229B, shall be completed and attached to the current Form DC6-229 whenever additional written documentation is required concerning an event or incident related to the specific inmate. Form DC6-229B is incorporated by reference in Rule 33-602.220, F.A.C.

    (d) Form DC6-228, An Inspection of Special Housing Record, Form DC6-228, shall be maintained in each close management unit. Each staff person shall sign the record when entering and leaving the close management unit. Prior to leaving the close management unit, each staff member shall indicate any specific problems. No other unit activities will be recorded on Form DC6-228. Upon completion, Form DC6-228 shall be maintained in the housing area and forwarded to the chief of security on a weekly basis where it shall be maintained on file pursuant to the current retention schedule.

    (e) Form DC6-209, A Housing Unit Log, Form DC6-209, shall be maintained in each close management unit. Officers shall record all daily unit activities on Form DC6-209, to include any special problems or discrepancies noted. The completed Form DC6-209 shall be forwarded daily to the chief of security for review.

    (18) No change.

    (19) Forms. The following forms referenced in this rule are hereby incorporated by reference. Copies of any of these forms are available from the Forms Control Administrator, Office of Research, Planning and Support Services, Department of Corrections, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500.

    (a) Form DC6-233C, Report of Close Management, effective date 4-8-04.

    (b) Form DC6-265, Close Management Waiver, effective date 2-1-01.

    (c)(a) Form DC6-128, Close Management Referral Assessment, effective date 4-8-04.

    (d)(b) Form DC4-643A, Individualized Service Plan, effective date 8-23-07.

    (c) Form DC6-221, Cell Inspection, effective date 12-16-01.

    (d) Form DC6-228, Inspection of Special Housing Record, effective date 2-12-01.

    (e) Form DC6-229, Daily Record of Special Housing, effective date 4-27-08.

    (f) Form DC6-229B, Daily Record of Special Housing – Supplemental, effective date 4-27-08.

    (g) Form DC6-233C, Report of Close Management, effective date 4-8-04.

    (h) Form DC6-265, Close Management Waiver, effective date 2-1-01.

    (e)(i) Form DC4-729, Behavioral Risk Assessment, effective date ________4-8-04.

    (j) Form DC6-209, Housing Unit Log, effective date 4-8-04.

    (f)(k) Form NI1-046, Close Management Housing Unit Instructions, effective date 3-10-05.

    Specific Authority 944.09 FS. Law Implemented 944.09 FS. History– New 2-1-01, Amended 12-16-01, 4-8-04, 3-10-05, 4-9-06, 8-23-07, 4-27-08,__________.


    Editorial Note: Formerly 33-601.801-.813, substantially amended February 1, 2001.

Document Information

Close management.
The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to remove information which does not constitute rule material, include envelopes and security pens as items which are counted by type rather than number, reflect the proposed changes to Rules 33-501.401 and 33-503.001, F.A.C., clarify form references throughout, and amend Form DC4-729, Behavioral Risk Assessment, to reflect rule amendments.
Rulemaking Authority:
944.09 FS.
944.09 FS.
Jamie Jordan-Nunes, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500
Related Rules: (1)
33-601.800. Close Management