65C-16.003: Case Reviews
65C-16.004: Recruitment, Screening and Application Process/Adoptive ApplicantsNOTICE OF CORRECTIONNotice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 34 No. 41, October 10, 2008 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.The Notice of Change published October 10 should have referenced a change to 65C-16.004, Recruitment, Screening and Application Process/Adoptive Applicants, as the text of this change was incorporated in the notice, but not properly formatted. The change to the rule text for 65C-16.003 and 65C-16.004 should have read as follows:
65C-16.003 Case Reviews.
(2)(b) Quarterly Case Staffings. Staff responsible for planning for children in need of adoption will meet together as a team to collectively discuss
staffand assess the needs of waiting children and available families. The teams will meet as often as necessary to assure that permanency needs are met.Each waiting child is to be staffed at least quarterly.The team will meet at least quarterly for each waiting child.65C-16.004 Recruitment, Screening and Application Process/Adoptive Applicants.
(3) The recruitment activities shall reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of children needing adoptive placement pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Act and Multi-Ethnic Placement Act.
(5) An application to adopt must be made on form CF-FSP 5071, PDF 08
4/2008, Adoptive Home Application, which is incorporated by reference andwhichincludes necessary identifying information and information required by statute. If a community based provider chooses to use its own form, that form must contain all of the elements of CF-FSP 5071, PDF 084/2008, which is incorporated by reference. A copy of the form is available upon request by contacting the Office of Family Safety, at 1317 Winewood Blvd., Tallahassee, FL.Document Information