The purpose is to specify penalties for violation of Chapter 5C-3, 5C-4, and 5C-31, F.A.C. The effect is to clarify and strengthen the penalties for rule violations.
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose is to specify penalties for violation of Chapters 5C-3, 5C-4, and 5C-31, F.A.C. The effect is to clarify and strengthen the penalties for rule violations.
SUMMARY: The proposed changes standardize the fine matrix for violations. It also updates violations for new rules recently enacted and clarifies violations for existing rules.
SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS AND LEGISLATIVE RATIFICATION: The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.
The Department’s economic analysis of the adverse impact or potential regulatory costs of the proposed rule did not exceed any of the criteria established in Section 120.541(2)(a), Florida Statutes. As part of this analysis, the Department relied upon historical numbers of fine amounts levied in previous years. Due to the sporadic nature that violations occur and the tiered structure in which fines are assessed, the cost would not exceed $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation. Additionally, no interested party submitted additional information regarding the economic impact.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 570.07(23), 585.002(4), 585.08(2)(a), FS.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 570.07(15), 570.36(2), 585.003, 585.007(1), 585.08(2)(a), 585.145(1), 585.145(2), 585.16, 585.18, 585.19, 585.23, 585.40, FS.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Dr. Michael A. Short, State Veterinarian, Director, Division of Animal Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 407 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0800; (850)410-0900, Fax: (850)410-0929
5C-30.003 Penalties.
(1) This rule describes the penalties for violations of the requirements provided in Chapter 585, Florida Statutes and Rule Title 5C, F.A.C. Any person importing animals into or moving animals within the state without the appropriate health documentation as required in Chapters 5C-3 and 5C-4, F.A.C., or failing to comply with the requirements of Chapter 5C-31, F.A.C., or animals that show signs of illness or infection, or dead animals, are subject to penalties as prescribed in this section.
(2) The provision of specified penalties in this rule shall not preclude the Department from seeking any legal remedy or injunctive relief available under Sections 585.005 and 585.007, F.S.
(3) The penalties for failure to comply with the health standards for importation or intrastate movement of animals are as provided in Table #1.
Decision and Penalty Matrix for Division of Animal Industry Movement Violations
Division of Animal Industry – DAI Equine Infectious Anemia – EIA Individually Identified – ID
National Poultry Improvement Plan – NPIP Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection – OCVI (valid for 30 days)
Pullorum-Typhoid – PT Test Tuberculosis – TB
(Within State)
(Import into State)
All Animals
Use of forged, altered or counterfeited documents as required in Title 5C F.A.C.
Quarantine back to Ppremises of Oorigin.
and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 3624 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Movement of aAnimals showing signs of illness or dead animals unless accompanied by a valid Carcass Haulers Permit or prior permission number from the Division of Animal Industry.
Quarantine back to originating premise Contact Division of Animal Industry
and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry for dead animals unless accompanied by a valid Carcass Haulers Permit or a prior permission number from the Division of Animal Industry.
All other animals showing signs of illness, contact the Division of Animal Industry.
Contact Division of Animal Industry.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Illegal Importation
Administrative Fine.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Movement or commingling of animals in violation of quarantine.
Quarantine back to Ppremises of Oorigin.
and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $1,000500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 3624 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Failure to allow records inspection
Quarantine to Premises of Origin
and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Failure to test or maintain records as required by Title 5C F.A.C.
Quarantine to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $500 per animal
3rd $1,500 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Failure to allow access or testing of animals for contagious or infectious disease.
Quarantine to Premises of Origin and
Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000.
All Animals
No valid carcass hauler permit in accordance with Section 585.147 FS.
Quarantine to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Failure to report a dangerous transmissible disease to the State Veterinarian as required under Section 585.19 FS.
Administrative Fine
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
Concealing, removing or attempting to conceal or remove an animal that is known or suspected of being afflicted or suffering from a disease or pest designated on the departments dangerous transmissible disease list as required under Section 585.18 FS.
Quarantine to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
All Animals
(Except poultry and deer-see below).
No prior permission number. as required in 5C-3 F.A.C.
Allow entry into state. Division of Animal Industry will contact issuing veterinarian.
Issue an Advisory Notice.
1 st Notice of Non-Compliance Advisory Notice
2nd Notice of Non-Compliance Advisory Notice
3rd and subsequent violations within 3624 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
Failure by an Approved Livestock Facility accepting cattle to: tag as an Aapproved Ttagging Ssite; place into designated “slaughter only” sale channels; deny entry to the market.
Administrative Fine
Administrative Fine
1st $25 per animal per violation.
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Failure by an Approved Livestock Facility or Purchaser to timely submit complete and accurate records required by Rule 5C-31.004(2)(a)3., or
5C-31.004(2)(b)7. F.A.C.
Administrative Fine
Administrative Fine
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Failure of an Approved Livestock Facility or Purchaser to retain the information required by Rule 5C-31.004(2)(a)4., or
Administrative Fine
Administrative Fine
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Failure of Purchaser of unidentified Ccattle to tag Ccattle in accordance with Rule 5C-31.004(2)(b)3., F.A.C.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and
Administrative Fine.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Failure of Purchaser to provide the Premises Identification Number to Approved Livestock Facility as required by Rule 5C-31.004(2)(b)2., F.A.C.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Cattle (Identification)
Failure to have Oofficial Iindividual Iidentification.
Failure to prevent commingling with cattle under separate ownership.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Failure to prevent commingling with Ccattle under separate ownership.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
Quarantine to origin or destination until animals are officially identified and Administrative Fine.
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation
Cattle and Bison (Bovine)
No tuberculosis (TB) test, brucellosis test, ID, or invalid OCVI /no OCVI.
Quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1 st Quarantine
2nd Quarantine
3rd and subsequent violations within 24 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
1st $25 per animal;
2nd $50 per animal;
3rd $100 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Refuse entry into state.
Cattle and Bison (Bovine)
No tuberculosis (TB) or brucellosis test in accordance with Rule 5C-3.004(2)(b) F.A.C.
Refuse entry into state if consigned to a show, sale or exhibition.
All other shipments- quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Deer (Cervidae)
No OCVI or prior permission.
Quarantine back to premises of origin.
and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state. Interstate import of Cervidae is not permitted in accordance with Rule 68A-4.0051 F.A.C. unless exempt as provided in Rule 68A-4.0051(1)-(2) F.A.C.
Intrastate Movement
Quarantine back to premises of origin.
Interstate Movement-Refuse entry into state.
1st $1,000 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
Dogs or Cats
No OCVI, incomplete or expired OCVI.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal
3rd $500 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $500 increments up to $10,000 animal.
Dogs or Cats
Falsifying OCVI with information from out of state OCVI.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
Dogs or Cats
Forging or , altering, or misrepresenting OCVI.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
Dogs or Cats
Failure to have current rabies vaccination on ‘of age’ animal on OCVI. “Of age” is defined as four (4) months in accordance with section 828.30(1) F.S. and over three (3) months for animals offered for sale in accordance with section 828.29(1)(b) F.S.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $500 per animal;
3rd $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal; refuse entry into state.
Dogs or Cats
Failure to wait 14 days after vaccinations to ship animal for sale into state in accordance with section 828.29(1)(a) F.S.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st Warning Letter; Referral to DBPR,
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000; Cease and Desist Order.
Goats and Sheep
(Caprine and Ovine)
No ID as required in rule 5C-29.002(1) F.A.C. (USDA scrapie tags-required unless consigned to a USDA-approved livestock market).
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
Quarantine back to premises of origin.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $25 per animal;
2nd $50 per animal;
3rd $100 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Goats and Sheep
(Caprine and Ovine)
No OCVI/invalid OCVI, TB test, or brucellosis test..
Quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1 st Quarantine
2nd Quarantine
3rd and subsequent violations within 24 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
1st $25 per animal;
2nd $50 per animal;
3rd $100 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Refuse entry into state.
Goats and Sheep
(Caprine and Ovine)
No TB test or brucellosis test.
Refuse entry into state if consigned to a show, sale, or exhibition.
All other shipments- quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Goats and Sheep
(Caprine and Ovine)
No veterinary disease-free statement provided by issuing veterinarian, as required in paragraph
5C-3.005(1)(b), F.A.C.
Issue an Advisory Nnotice.
Advisory notice.
Notice of Non-Compliance.
Horses (Equine)
No EIA test, outdated EIA test, EIA not accurate/legible, or EIA does not match horse.
Quarantine back to Ppremises of Oorigin and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state if consigned to a show, sale, or exhibition.
All other shipments-refuse entry into state; or at owner’s request and expense, call a Florida accredited veterinarian to test for EIA, and quarantine to destination pending outcome of the test and Administrative Fine.
Intrastate: Quarantine back to premises of origin.
Interstate: Refuse entry or quarantine to destination with pending EIA test.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Horses (Equine)
No OCVI, invalid OCVI, or OCVI does not match the horse.
Call a Florida veterinarian to issue OCVI, at owner’s expense, and allow entry. If no veterinarian is available, then quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1 st Quarantine
2nd Quarantine
3rd and subsequent violations within 24 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Horses (Equine)
No Eequine Ppiroplasmosis (EP) test or treatment if from endemic area.
Quarantine back to Ppremises of Oorigin.
Refuse entry into state.
Refuse entry.
Horses (Equine)
No temperature reading on OCVI.
Allow entry into state and issue an Aadvisory Nnotice.
Notice of Non-Compliance Advisory notice.
Horses (Equine)
Failure to maintain requirements for an approved Equine Infectious Anemia Quarantine Premises in accordance with Rule 5C-18.007 F.A.C. or Equine Piroplasmosis Quarantine Premises in accordance with rule 5C-14.006 F.A.C.
Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $500 per animal
3rd $1,000 per animal and subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Horses (Equine)
Failure to maintain requirements or standards for an approved Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) Quarantine Facility in accordance with Rule 5C-22.004 F.A.C.
Maintain quarantine and Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $500 per animal
3rd and subsequent violations within 36 months , $1,000 fine per animal and revoke Approval of CEM Quarantine Facility.
Pigs (Swine/Porcine)
No pseudorabies test, brucellosis test, Nno ID as defined in Rule 5C-21.002(24) F.A.C, or OCVI/invalid OCVI.
Quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1 st Quarantine
2nd Quarantine
3rd and subsequent violations within 24 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
1st $25 per animal;
2nd $50 per animal;
3rd $100 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Refuse entry into state.
Pigs (Swine/Porcine)
No pseudorabies or brucellosis test in accordance with Rule 5C-3.007(3) F.A.C.
Refuse entry into state if consigned to a show, sale or exhibition.
All other shipments- quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $100 per animal;
3rd $500 per animal;
4th $1,000 per animal; subsequent violations within 36 months in $1000 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Movement without Feral Swine Dealer Card
Quarantine to destination and Administrative Fine.
1st $25 per animal per violation;
2nd $50 per animal per violation;
3rd $100 per animal per violation; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Unlicensed Feral Swine Holding Facility
Animals quarantined on premises and Administrative Fine.
1st Warning Letter.
2nd $25 per animal per violation;
3rd $50 per animal per violation;
4th $100 per animal per violation; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Movement of feral swine to non-listed premises
Quarantine to origin or destination premises and Administrative Fine.
Refuse entry into state.
1st $25 per animal per violation
2nd $50 per animal per violation
3rd $100 per animal per violation; subsequent violations within 36 months in $100 increments up to $10,000 per animal.
Feeding non-sterilized raw garbage to swine in accordance with Rule 5C-11.017(1) F.A.C.
Quarantine on premises and Administrative Fine.
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
Poultry (Avian)
No OCVI/invalid OCVI, PT test, Avian Influenza test, or Exotic Newcastle Disease test, or NPIP/VS 9-3 in accordance with Rule 5C-3.012 F.A.C.
Refuse entry into state.
Refuse entry into state.
Poultry (Avian)
No Avian Influenza test if Rule 5C-16.021 F.A.C. is in effect.
Quarantine back to Premises of Origin
Notice of Non-Compliance
Poultry (Avian)
No prior permission number with OCVI VS 9-3.
Allow entry and issue an advisory notice.
1 st Advisory notice.
2nd Advisory notice.
3rd and subsequent violations within 24 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
Poultry (Avian)
No prior permission number with OCVI for poultry originating from a state with no premises under quarantine for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) or Exotic Newcastle Disease (END).
Allow entry to a single destination and quarantine.
1 st Quarantine
2nd Quarantine
3rd and subsequent violations within 3624 months of last violation – refuse entry into state.
Poultry (Avian)
No prior permission number with OCVI for poultry originating from a state with premises under quarantine for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) or Exotic Newcastle Disease (END).
Refuse entry into state.
Laboratory Documents
Altering, forging, or misrepresenting a document as an official state document from FDACS laboratory.
Administrative Fine
Administrative Fine
1st $500 per animal
2nd $2,500 per animal
3rd $5,000 per animal
4th and subsequent violations within 36 months of last violation – $10,000 per animal.
*The penalties in Table #1 are listed in the order that they will apply with each succeeding violation.
(4) Resolution of Violations, Settlement, and Additional Enforcement Remedies – The Department and person charged with a violation may agree to resolve violations prior to an administrative hearing, or enter into settlement pursuant to Section 120.57(4), F.S. The penalties addressed in this rule shall not be construed to limit the authority of the Department to resolve violations prior to or after initiation of any administrative action or to settle with any party. The Department shall utilize all available remedies to ensure compliance including administrative action, civil actions, settlements, and referrals for criminal prosecution. The Department shall enforce a failure to comply with an agreement to resolve violations or a settlement agreement with the penalties and remedies provided in the agreement and as authorized by Chapter 120 or 570 and Chapter 585, F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 585.002(4), 585.08(2)(a) FS. Law Implemented 570.07(15), 570.36(2), 585.003, 585.007(1), 585.08(2)(a), 585.145(1), (2), 585.16, 585.18, 585.19, 585.23, 585.40 FS. History–New 5-24-10, Amended, 02/19/2014, 09/04/2014, ________.
NAME OF PERSON ORIGINATING PROPOSED RULE: Dr. Michael A. Short, State Veterinarian, Director
NAME OF AGENCY HEAD WHO APPROVED THE PROPOSED RULE: Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam
Document Information
- Comments Open:
- 10/25/2016
- Summary:
- The proposed changes standardize the fine matrix for violations. It also updates violations for new rules recently enacted and clarifies violations for existing rules.
- Purpose:
- The purpose is to specify penalties for violation of Chapter 5C-3, 5C-4, and 5C-31, F.A.C. The effect is to clarify and strengthen the penalties for rule violations.
- Rulemaking Authority:
- 570.07(23), 585.002(4), 585.08(2)(a), FS.
- Law:
- 570.07(15), 570.36(2), 585.003, 585.007(1), 585.08(2)(a), 585.145(1), 585.145(2), 585.16, 585.18, 585.19, 585.23, 585.40, FS.
- Contact:
- Dr. Michael A. Short, State Veterinarian, Director, Division of Animal Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 407 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0800; (850) 410-0900, Fax: (850) 410-0929.
- Related Rules: (1)
- 5C-30.003. Penalties