RFA 2016-107 Financing To Build Or Rehabilitate Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Developmental Disabilities
This Request for Applications (RFA) will make available $4 million in grant funding to finance small Permanent Supportive Housing Developments consisting of no more than six (6) Units. Of this funding, $3 million will be allocated in this RFA for proposed Developments consisting of new construction of a Development which may involve demolition of existing structures/residences, or acquisition with rehabilitation of a structure that, as of Application Deadline, does NOT serve Persons with Developmental Disabilities; and $1 million will be allocated in this RFA for proposed Developments that will Renovate existing Units that are occupied by Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
The Corporation will offer the funding through a competitive grant program to private Non-Profit organizations that have a primary mission which includes serving Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Funding must be used for new construction or acquisition with Rehabilitation of Developments, or Renovation of existing housing Units, including Community Residential Homes as defined in Section 419.001, F.S., or Supported Living Units. The Corporation is required to consider the extent to which funds from local and other sources will be used by Applicants to leverage these grant funds; employment opportunities and supports that will be available to Residents of the proposed housing; a plan for Residents to access community-based services, resources, and amenities; and partnerships with supportive services agencies.
Applications shall be accepted until 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on Thursday, December 1, 2016, and sent to the attention of Ken Reecy, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. For questions or additional information, please contact Ken Reecy at Ken.Reecy@floridahousing.org. The RFA, which outlines selection criteria and Applicant’s responsibilities, can be downloaded from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation web site at http://www.floridahousing.org/Developers/MultiFamilyPrograms/Competitive/2016-107/
Any modifications that occur to the Request for Applications will be posted at the web site and may result in an extension of the deadline. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to check the website for any modifications prior to the deadline date.