Department of Children and Families, Departmental  

  • DCF-08235500 NEFSH Building 2 Complex Metal Roofs


    Proposals are requested from qualified General or Roofing Contractors by the State of Florida, Department of Children and Family Services, hereinafter referred to as Owner, for the construction of:

    PROJECT NUMBER:         DCF-08235500

    PROJECT:                            RETROFIT METAL STANDING SEAM ROOF

                                                  BUILDING 2 COMPLEX

                                                  NORTHEAST FLORIDA STATE HOSPITAL

                                                  MACCLENNY, FLORIDA

    PREQUALIFICATION: The Owner accepts bids from those firms who demonstrate current licensure with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as a General or Roofing Contractor, and who comply with the pre-qualification requirements as stated in the project specifications.

    BONDING REQUIREMENTS: See Section B-11 for bid guarantee requirements. See Section C-5 for performance and payment bond requirements.

    BID DATE AND TIME: Sealed bids will be received at the Engineering Office, Northeast Florida State Hospital, 7487 S.R. 121 South, Macclenny, Florida 32063, November 5, 2008 until 2:00 p.m. (Local Time), at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

    PRE-BID MEETING: A pre-bid meeting and inspection of the on-site conditions will be held on OCTOBER 9, 2008, 10:00 a.m., at the above address.

    PROPOSAL: Bids must be submitted in full accordance with the requirements of the Drawings and the General and Technical Specifications, which may be examined and obtained for $50.00 from the Architect:


    1628 N. W. 6th STREET


    TELEPHONE: (352)378-4400

    FAX: (352)377-5378

    CONTRACT AWARD: The Bid Tabulation and Notice of Award Recommendation will be posted within two business days, at the location where the bids were opened. In the event that the Bid Tabulation and Notice of Award Recommendation cannot be posted in this manner, then all bidders will be duly notified. If no protest is filed per Section B-21 of the Instructions to Bidders, “Notice and Protest Procedures,” the Owner will award a contract to the qualified, responsive low bidder in accordance with established departmental contracting procedures (CFOP 70-7).

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