11B-35.001(8)(b)-(c): Updates the rule reference and removes the specific subparagraphs because of the paragraph renumbering of Rule 11B-35.001(8)(d). 11B-35.001(8)(d)9.-14.: Updates the list of Specialized Training Program Courses that require ...
Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
11B-35.001General Training Programs; Requirements and Specifications
11B-35.002Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation
11B-35.0021Courses and Requirements for Basic Recruit Training, Advanced, Specialized and Instructor Training Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
11B-35.0024Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and Instructor Training Courses Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
11B-35.003Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Auxiliary Training
11B-35.006Advanced Training Program
11B-35.007Specialized Training Program
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: 11B-35.001(8)(b)-(c): Updates the rule reference and removes the specific subparagraphs because of the paragraph renumbering of Rule 11B-35.001(8)(d).
11B-35.001(8)(d)9.-14.: Updates the list of Specialized Training Program Courses that require an end-of-course examination based upon the Statewide Criminal Justice Officer Post-Basic Training Needs Assessment approved by the Commission in August 2014.
11B-35.001(9): Moves the projected implementation date of the new Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program from July 1, 2015 to July 1, 2016.
11B-35.001(10)(a): Incorporates the revised Training Report, form CJSTC-67, to specify that only the applicant’s last four digits are required for completion of the form.
11B-35.001(10)(b): Removes the Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program because the program has been retired for more than four years.
11B-35.001(10)(d)14.: Revises the Physical Fitness Assessment, form CJSTC-75B, to remove questions related to exemption for previous chemical agent exposure.
11B-35.0011(1)(f): Removes the reference to a specific rule subsection and replaces it with the FDLE mailing address.
11B-35.002(1)(a): Revises the column header to remove “Updated (U)” from the field because the Criminal Justice Professionalism (CJP) Division will no longer track course and program updates in the rule; and revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.002(1)(a)1.-15., F.A.C.
11B-35.002(1)(a)1.-2.: Deletes the retired Traditional Law Enforcement BRTP number 002 and CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 224 from the list of Basic Recruit Training Programs.
11B-35.002(1)(a)4.-5.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Cross-Over Training to Traditional Law Enforcement BRTP number 222 and Traditional Correctional Cross-Over Training to CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1143.
11B-35.002(1)(a)8.-9.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over Training to Traditional Law Enforcement BRTP number 223 and Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over Training to CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1157.
11B-35.002(1)(a)10.: Deletes the updated (U) date from the Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement BRTP number 1179.
11B-35.002(1)(a)11.: Deletes the retired Law Enforcement Auxiliary Officer BRTP number 211.
11B-35.002(1)(b): Removes “Updated (U)” from the column header and revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.002(1)(b)2.-11., F.A.C.
11B-35.002(1)(b)2.-4.: Deletes the retired Traditional Law Enforcement Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional BRTP number 555, Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional BRTP number 556, and CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional BRTP number 1155.
11B-35.002(1)(b)6.: Updates the sub-paragraph reference in Rule 11B-35.003(8), F.A.C., and changes it from (g) to (h).
11B-35.002(1)(c): Removes “Updated (U)” from the column header and revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.002(1)(c)1.-8.
11B-35.002(1)(c)1.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Probation BRTP number 602.
11B-35.002(1)(c)2.: Deletes the updated (U) date from the Florida Correctional Probation BRTP number 1176.
11B-35.002(1)(c)3.-5.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Probation BRTP number 667, Traditional Law Enforcement Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Probation BRTP number 660, and CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Probation BRTP number 1156.
11B-35.002(1)(c)6.-7.: Deletes the updated (U) date from the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation BRTP number 1183 and Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation BRTP number 1184.
11B-35.002(1)(c)8.: Updates the rule reference.
11B-35.002(5): Updates the rule reference.
11B-35.002(5)(a): Deletes the retired Traditional Law Enforcement BRTP number 002 from the list of Basic Recruit Training Programs.
11B-35.002(5)(c)-(d): Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Probation BRTP number 602 and CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 224.
11B-35.002(5)(g): Revises the effective date of the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1176, Version 2008.04, and changes it from July 1, 2012 to April 1, 2008, which is the date the Commission approved the program.
11B-35.002(6)(b)2.: Changes the rule to allow an individual who may have been employed in a discipline for many years but had retired or otherwise left employment, to be eligible to attend a cross-over course that if they had entered the cross-over course prior to leaving employment, they would have been eligible.
11B-35.002(6)(b)3.: Revised to clearly identify the four year time frame in which an applicant who completes a Basic Recruit Training Program can qualify to attend a cross-over course.
11B-35.002(6)(d): Revises the sub-paragraph numbering in Rule 11B-35.002(5)(d)1.-7., F.A.C., because #1. and 2. were removed.
11B-35.002(6)(d)1.-2.: Deletes the retired Traditional Correctional Cross-Over to CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1143 and Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement BRTP number 1157.
11B-35.002(6)(e)1.-7.: Deletes the retired CMS Application-Based Law Enforcement Cross-Over to Traditional Correctional BRTP number 1155 and Traditional Correctional Probation Cross-Over to Traditional Correctional BRTP number 556; and renumbers subparagraphs in Rule 11B-35.002(6)(e), F.A.C.
11B-35.002(6)(f)5.: Revises the effective date of the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1183, and changes it from July 1, 2012 to April 1, 2008, which is the date the Commission approved the program.
11B-35.0021(7): Adds “canine” and “diving” to the list of instructor certification topics.
11B-35.0024(3)(a)2.: Revises the CMS Defensive Tactics Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC- 6 CMS, to remove questions related to chemical agent exposure exemption.
11B-35.0024(3)(a)3.: Revises the rule text to remove the chemical agent exposure exemption to require all students to undergo chemical agent contamination as described in the CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics Course.
11B-35.0024(3)(c)2.: Revises and incorporates the CMS Firearms Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-4 CMS.
11B-35.0024(3)(f)2.: Incorporates the revised CMS First Aid Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-5 CMS.
11B-35.0024(3)(h)2.: Revises the CMS Vehicle Operations Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-7 CMS.
11B-35.003(2): Makes a grammatical change to remove the word “an” from rule text.
11B-35.003(7)-(9): Deletes the retired Correctional Auxiliary Officer BRTP number 501, revises the paragraph numbering, and updates the paragraph rule reference.
11B-35.006(1)(b): Revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.006(1)6.-48., F.A.C.
11B-35.006(1)(b)6.: Deletes Criminal Law, number 019, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses and adds the course to the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)9.: Retires and deletes Sex Crimes Investigations, number 033, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)14.: Deletes Organized Crime, number 054, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses and adds the course to the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)16.: Retires and deletes Supervision of the Youthful Offender, number 058, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)18.-19.: Retires and deletes Firefighting for Correctional Officers, number 072, and Community and Human Relations, number 073, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)22.: Retires and deletes Computers and Technology in Criminal Justice, number 080, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)39.-40.: Retires and deletes Computer Crime Investigations, number 1153, and Financial Fraud Investigations, number 1154, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)42.: Retires and deletes Managing and Communicating with Inmates and Offenders, number 1161, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)44.: Retires and deletes Inmate Manipulation, number 1164, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)47.: Retires and deletes Investigating Crimes Against Children, number 1187, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.006(1)(b)48.: Retires and deletes Field Training Officer Course for Correctional Probation Officers, number 1188, from the list of Advanced Training Program Courses and removes the salary incentive statement (*) associated with the course.
11B-35.006(1)(b)36.: Incorporates the new 11B-35.006(1)(b)36., F.A.C., to add the Violent Crime Investigator Training Course, number 1137, to the list of Advanced Training Program Courses and removes the course from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(3): Revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.007(3)(b)-(r), F.A.C.
11B-35.007(3)(b)-(c): Deletes the retired CMS Instructor Techniques Course, number 1116, and CMS General Instructor Transition Course, number 803, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(3)(e): Deletes the retired CMS Vehicle Operations Instructor Transition Course, number 805, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(3)(g): Deletes the retired CMS Firearms Instructor Transition Course, number 806, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(3)(i): Deletes the retired CMS Defensive Tactics Instructor Transition Course, number 807, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(3)(k): Deletes the retired CMS First Aid Instructor Transition Course, number 804, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(3)(m): Deletes the retired Laser Speed Measurement Device (LSMD) Instructor Transition Course for Radar Instructors, number 1109, from the list of Specialized Instructor Training Courses.
11B-35.007(4): Revises the paragraph numbering of Rule 11B-35.007(4)(b)-(z), F.A.C.
11B-35.007(4)(b): Retires and deletes Human Interaction Course, number 1144, from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(4)(j): Retires and deletes Crimes Against Children, number 1135, from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(4)(k): Retires and deletes Domestic Violence, number 1136, from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(4)(l): Deletes Violent Crime Investigator Training Course, number 1137, from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses and adds the course to the list of Advanced Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(4)(n)-(p): Retires and deletes the following courses from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses: Basic Incident Command System (ICS) Course, number 1140; Intermediate Incident Command System (ICS) Course, number 1141; and Advanced Incident Command System (ICS) Course, number 1142.
11B-35.007(4)(r): Retires and deletes Problem Solving Model: SECURE, number 1150, from the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.007(4)(w)-(x): Moves the Criminal Law, number 019; and Organized Crime, number 054, from the Advanced Training Program list to the list of Specialized Training Program Courses
11B-35.007(4)(y): Adds new Diabetic Emergencies and Officer Response, number 2009, to the list of Specialized Training Program Courses.
SUBJECT AREA TO BE ADDRESSED: Criminal justice officer training programs and course requirements.
RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.14(3), 943.17 FS.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 119.071, 943.12, 943.17, 943.12, 943.12(5), 943.17, 943.17(1)(a), (b), 943.175, 943.25 FS.
DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this workshop/meeting is asked to advise the agency at least 5 days before the workshop/meeting by contacting: Joyce Gainous-Harris at (850)410-8615 or joycegainous-harris@fdle.state.fl.us, or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800)955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800)955-8770 (Voice).
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT AND A COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT, IF AVAILABLE, IS: Joyce Gainous-Harris at (850)410-8615 or joycegainous-harris@fdle.state.fl.us, or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Document Information
- Subject:
- Criminal justice officer training programs and course requirements.
- Purpose:
- 11B-35.001(8)(b)-(c): Updates the rule reference and removes the specific subparagraphs because of the paragraph renumbering of Rule 11B-35.001(8)(d). 11B-35.001(8)(d)9.-14.: Updates the list of Specialized Training Program Courses that require an end-of-course examination based upon the Statewide Criminal Justice Officer Post-Basic Training Needs Assessment approved by the Commission in August 2014. 11B-35.001(9): Moves the projected implementation date of the new Correctional Probation ...
- Rulemaking Authority:
- 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.14(3), 943.17 FS.
- Law:
- 119.071, 943.12, 943.17, 943.12, 943.12(5), 943.17, 943.17(1)(a), (b), 943.175, 943.25 FS.
- Contact:
- Joyce Gainous-Harris at 850-410-8615, or joycegainous-harris@fdle.state.fl.us, or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
- Related Rules: (7)
- 11B-35.001. General Training Programs; Requirements and Specifications
- 11B-35.002. Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation
- 11B-35.0021. High-Liability Proficiency Courses for Basic Recruit Training and Instructor Training
- 11B-35.0024. Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and High-Liability Instructor Training Courses
- 11B-35.003. Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Auxiliary Training
- More ...