Expressway Authorities, Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority  


    Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority





    The Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority requests Letters of Interest from qualified firms in connection with Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) services required by the Authority. The Authority has a core staff of CEI management personnel and is seeking two firms who will provide support personnel on an as-needed, per project basis. Support personnel required by the Authority may include, but are not necessarily limited to, Project Administrator, Contract Support Specialist, Senior Inspector, Inspector, Asphalt Plant Inspector, Inspector’s Aide, Survey Party Chief Instrument Man, Rod Man/Chain Man, Environmental Specialist, Casting Yard Engineer, Senior ITS Inspector, ITS Inspector.

    The consultant for each contract shall provide a resource pool of qualified professional, technical and administrative personnel, in the required numbers and at the required times, to assure that services and responsibilities assigned under the Scope of Services are effectively and efficiently carried out. It is anticipated that CEI services will be required for major roadway, minor bridge, major bridge, toll plaza construction and intelligent transportation systems projects.

    Shortlist consideration will be given to only those firms who are qualified pursuant to law and who have been prequalified by FDOT to perform the indicated Types of Work.

    TYPES OF WORK: As a minimum, the consultant shall be prequalified by FDOT in the following types of work: Group 10.1, Roadway Construction CEI and Group 10.4, Minor Bridge and Miscellaneous Structures CEI. The consultant shall also be prequalified, on its own or through Authority-approved subconsultants, in the following work types: 10.3, Construction Materials Inspection; 10.5, Major Bridge CEI; 10.5.1, Major Bridge CEI-Concrete; 10.5.2, Major Bridge CEI-Steel; 10.5.3, Major Bridge CEI-Segmental; 10.6.1, Complex Bridge CEI-Concrete; and 10.6.2, Complex Bridge CEI-Steel.

    DESCRIPTION: The work consists of providing CEI services for a variety of Authority projects including, but not necessarily limited to, roadway and bridge construction, landscaping construction, fence construction, signing construction, roadway lighting construction, drainage modifications/construction, utility construction, ITS system construction and toll facility renovations/modifications /construction.

    LETTERS OF INTEREST SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Consultants wishing to be considered shall submit six (6) sets of a Letter of Interest package. The letter shall be a maximum of ten (10) pages exclusive of attachments and resumes. The packages shall include the following:

    1.Firms Experience – Details of specific experience for at least three (3) projects, similar to those described above that involve construction on limited access highways (including roadway, bridge, toll plaza and ITS elements) completed by the consultant’s Project Manager and other key project team members including the name of client contact person, telephone number, and physical address;

    2.Personnel Experience – Resumes of the consultant’s proposed Project Manager and other key personnel presently employed by the consultant who will be assigned to the project. The Project Manager shall have at least two (2) years of experience administering similar types of consultant CEI contracts preferably as a Project Administrator or higher classification;

    3.Project Team – Anticipated subconsultants shall be identified and the roles that each will play in providing the required services. Resumes should be provided for subconsultants that may be involved in key roles;

    4.Prequalification Documentation – A copy of the Notice of Qualification issued by the FDOT showing current qualification in the Types of Work specified above;

    5.Office Location – The office assigned responsibility and its physical address shall be identified. It is required that the consultant have an office and key staff located within the Orlando area.

    Failure to submit any of the above required information may be cause for rejection of the package as non-responsive.

    The selected consultants will be required to provide sufficient local staff in the Orlando area to support each activity and the associated program area for a minimum of three (3) years, with potential renewal for two one (1) year periods. The selected consultants and their subconsultants shall not enter into any other contract with the Authority during the term of the Contract which would create or involve a conflict of interest with the services to be provided.

    SELECTION / NEGOTIATIONS: The Authority’s Evaluation Committee will shortlist firms based on its evaluation and scoring of the Letters of Interest and qualifications information received. Scoring of the submittals will be as follows: Firms Experience – 25 points; Personnel Experience – 30 points; Project Team – 25 points; Prequalification Documentation – 10 points; Office Location – 10 points. The five firms with the highest point totals will be shortlisted.

    Shortlisted firms will proceed to the next step in the process which includes preparation and submittal of a Technical Proposal and an interview. The Authority will provide the shortlisted firms with a Scope of Services for use in preparing the Technical Proposal. Each firm will be evaluated and ranked by the Authority’s Evaluation Committee based on the Technical Proposal and interview. As part if its evaluation process, the Committee will also consider the consultant’s willingness to meet time requirements, consultant’s projected workload, and consultant’s use of Minority/Women Owned Businesses.

    CODE OF ETHICS: All consultants selected to work with the Authority are required to comply with the Authority’s Code of Ethics, a copy of which may be obtained by contacting the Authority.

    EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT: The Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, hereby notifies all firms and individuals that it will require affirmative efforts be made to ensure participation by minorities.

    MINORITY / WOMEN / DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION: Minority/Women/ Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for qualification or an award by the Authority.

    NON-SOLICITATION PROVISION: From the first date of publication of this notice, no person may contact any Authority Board Member, Officer or Employee or any selection committee member, with respect to this notice or the services to be provided, except as related to the submittal requirements detailed above. Reference is made to the lobbying guidelines of the Authority for further information regarding this Non-Solicitation Provision.


    November 6, 2008, 3:00 p.m. (Orlando Local Time)


    Claude Miller

    Director of Procurement



    Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority

    4974 ORL Tower Road

    Orlando, FL 32807

    Re: Systemwide CEI Services


    Claude Miller

    Director of Procurement

Document Information