of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance, filed July 11, 2013, by Thomas H. Hill. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 39, No. 143, of the July 24, 2013, Florida Administrative Register. The ...  



    Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board


    61J1-10.003Certified Residential Appraiser

    The Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board hereby gives notice of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance, filed July 11, 2013, by Thomas H. Hill. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 39, No. 143, of the July 24, 2013, Florida Administrative Register. The Board considered the Petition at a duly-noticed public meeting held on August 5, 2013. Petitioner sought a waiver or variance of subsection 61J1-10.003(1), F.A.C., in regards to the requirements that an applicant must meet the minimum education, experience, and examination requirements for certification as a residential real estate appraiser.

    The Board’s Order, filed on October 18, 2013, denies the petition finding that Petitioner has not established that the Petitioner will have met the purpose of the underlying statute, nor that he has suffered a substantial hardship or that the principles of fairness are violated in this matter as opposed to someone similarly situated.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting: Juana Watkins, Division Director, Division of Real Estate, 400 West Robinson Street, Hurston Building, North Tower, Suite N801, Orlando, Florida 32801.

Document Information

Juana Watkins, Division Director, Division of Real Estate, 400 West Robinson Street, Hurston Building, North Tower, Suite N801, Orlando, Florida 32801.
Related Rules: (1)
61J1-10.003. Certified Residential Appraiser