Chief Anthony Roseberry; Does the Fire Marshal’s office consider testing of each piece of equipment and not a system in its entirety to meet the requirements of 633.065(1)(b), F.S. Is it acceptable to fabricate a system from tested devices that have ...
Division of State Fire MarshalNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal, has received a Petition for Declaratory Statement filed on or about September 20, 2007, from Chief Anthony Roseberry, Petitioner. The Petitioner is a local authority having jurisdiction (“AHJ”) charged with enforcement of the Florida Fire Prevention Code within this jurisdiction. This Petition for Declaratory Statement is sought on Section 633.065(1)(b), F.S. Does the Fire Marshal’s office consider testing of each piece of equipment and not a system in its entirety to meet the requirements of Section 633.065(1)(b), F.S. Is it acceptable to fabricate a system from tested devices that have never been tested as a whole system?
A copy of the Petition may be obtained by writing, calling, or faxing: Lesley Mendelson, Assistant General Counsel, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0340, phone (850)413-3604, or (850)413-4238, Fax (850)922-1235, or (850)488-0697 (please advise if you would like it mailed or faxed to you and please include your phone number on your request in case any question arises), or by e-mailing your request to
Document Information
- Meeting:
- 633.065(1)(b), F.S.
- Contact:
- Lesley Mendelson, Assistant General Counsel, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0340, phone (850) 413-3604, or (850) 413-4238; fax number (850)922-1235 or (850) 488-0697 (please advise if you would like it mailed or faxed to you and please include your phone number on your request in case any question arises), or by e-mailing your request to