variance or waiver of paragraph 25-6.049(5)(a), Florida Administrative Code, Fontainebleau Florida Tower 3, LLC’s petition in Docket No. 050601-EU, was approved by the Commission by Order No. PSC-05-1261-PAA-EU, issued December 27, 2005, consummated ...  



    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Florida Public Service Commission that Fontainebleau Florida Tower 3, LLC’s petition for variance or waiver of paragraph 25-6.049(5)(a), Florida Administrative Code, filed September 12, 2005, in Docket No. 050601-EU, was approved by the Commission by Order No. PSC-05-1261-PAA-EU, issued December 27, 2005, consummated by Order No. PSC-06-0062-CO-EU, issued January 24, 2006. The rule establishes requirements for individual electric metering of the separate occupancy units of specified types of establishments, including but not limited to condominiums. The petitioner requested a variance or waiver of the rule so that it could install a single master meter to measure usage for all of the residential units in Ocean Club Condominium, its planned condominium development in Miami Beach. The petition was approved on the basis that the purpose of the underlying statute would be achieved by other means and application of the rule would create substantial hardship and would violate principles of fairness. Notice of the petition was published in the F.A.W. on September 30, 2005.

    A copy of the Order can be obtained from the Division of the Commission Clerk and Administrative Services, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6770.

Document Information

Division of the Commission Clerk and Administrative Services, 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850, (850)413-6770.
Related Rules: (1)
25-6.049. Measuring Customer Service