The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, acting by and through the Administrative Office of the Courts (Court), through an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN #2011-01) seeks sealed proposals from qualified entities (Proposers) to provide court reporting services, funded at public expense, for certain court proceedings in and for the Court, effective January 2, 2012.
Proposers must meet the minimum qualifications and perform the scope of work as set forth in the ITN. Such work will include, but is not limited to: (1) monitoring of digital recording of all Dependency and Delinquency Sections in the Juvenile Division; (2) monitoring digital recording of domestic violence proceedings in the Domestic Violence Division; and (3) stenographic and digital court reporting services in the Circuit and County Criminal Division, of the Court.
The Invitation to Negotiate will be available September 23, 2011 on the Eleventh Judicial Circuits website: under the heading ITN #2011-01- Court Reporting Services. Deadline for receipt of sealed proposals is Friday, October 21, 2011, 2:00 p.m.