Notice of Opportunity to Hold a Public Hearing for Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Jacksonville Rapid Transit System Phase One Project.
The Federal Transit Administration and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) are issuing a Notice of Opportunity to Hold a Public Hearing on the Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Jacksonville Rapid Transit System Phase One project. The project is located in Downtown Jacksonville Florida and includes the provision of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System to support population and employment growth and improve mobility, transit travel times, passenger facilities, and service reliability. Based on the results of the Supplemental Environmental Assessment and the evaluation of alternatives, Final Modified Option E has been identified as the recommended Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). Modified Option E moves the Kings Avenue BRT station to the same location as the Kings Avenue Skyway station. The LPA includes dedicated transit lanes during peak hours, enhanced transit superstops, streetscape improvements, and other BRT features along portions of Broad and Jefferson streets, Bay and Forsyth streets west of Broad Street, the Acosta Bridge, Museum Circle, San Marco Boulevard, Riverplace Boulevard, Prudential Drive, Onyx Street, Louisa Street, and Kings Avenue north of Manning Street.
Information on the project can be found on the JTA website: and a copy of the Supplemental EA can be reviewed at the following places:
Jacksonville Main Library
303 N. Laura Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Jacksonville Transportation Authority Offices
100 N. Myrtle Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32204
You may request that a public hearing be held for the Supplemental EA by sending a written request on or before November 8, 2009 to:
Winova Hart-Mayer
Communication and Outreach Coordinator
Jacksonville Transportation Authority
100 N. Myrtle Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32204
If a public hearing is held, then JTA will publish a notice of date, time, and location for the hearing in the Florida Times Union, Legal Section and post on the JTA website: You may also submit written comments on the Supplemental EA to Winova Hart-Mayer of JTA at the address above by November 8, 2009.
The environmental assessment and public hearing has been conducted in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to adherence to Titles Six and Eight of the Civil Rights Act may do so by contacting: JTAs Contract Compliance Program Manager, Ken Middleton at (904)598-8728 or Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or familial status.