- NOTICE OF CHANGENotice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 35 No. 31, August 7, 2009 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
The change is in response to written comments submitted by the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. The changes are as follows:
(1) Subsection (5)(a)3. shall now read as follows:
3. Continuing professional education credit for instructing a higher education course shall be twice the credit which would have been granted participants for the first presentation of a specific course of program, the same as the credit granted a participant for the second presentation and none thereafter, except as permitted by subparagraph 61H1-33.003(5)(b)4., F.A.C.
(2) Subsection (5)(b)3. shall now read as follows:
3. Instructors, lecturers, panelists and discussion leaders for professional development courses and formal organized in-firm educational programs shall be credited for continuing professional education purposes at twice the credit granted participants for the first presentation of a specific course or program, the same as the credit granted a participant for the second presentation and none thereafter, except as permitted in subparagraph 61H1-33.003(5)(b)4., F.A.C. Co-panelists and co-discussion leaders shall be credited for the portion of specific course or program they must prepare to discuss and lead as a co-panelist or co-discussion leader.
(3) Subsection (5)(b)4. shall now read as follows:
4. To the extent course content has been substantially revised, the revised portion shall be considered a first presentation for the purposes of subparagraph 61H1-33.003(5)(b)3., F.A.C.
(4) Section 120.55(1)(a)4. will be removed from Rulemaking Authority.
This Notice of Change does not affect the changes made in the previous Notice of Change published on September 11, 2009, in Vol. 35, No. 36, of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Veloria Kelly, Division Director, Board of Accountancy, 240 N.W. 76th Dr., Suite A, Gainesville, Florida 32607
Document Information
- Related Rules: (1)
- 61H1-33.003. Continuing Professional Education