Hernando County Planning DepartmentMPO General Planning Consultant Selection
Notice to Professional Consultants
The Hernando County Metropolitan Planning Organization and the State of Florida Department of Transportation, District VII, hereinafter referred to as the Department, anticipates seeking professional consultant services on the project listed in this advertisement. Consideration will be given to only those firms that are qualified pursuant to law and that have been prequalified by the Department to perform the indicated MAJOR Type(s) of Work. Any firm not prequalified by the Department and desiring consideration for these projects must submit a complete Request for Qualification Package, available from the Procurement Office in Tallahassee, (850)414-4485, by the advertised Letter of Response Deadline Date.
FEDERAL DEBARMENT: By submitting a Letter of Response, the consultant certifies that no principal (which includes officers, directors, or executives) is presently suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation on this transaction by any Federal Department or Agency.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection will be made directly from Letters of Responses. The selection process detailed in the Rule Chapter 14-75, Florida Administrative Code, covers the listed project. After ranking of the consultants, the contract fee will be negotiated in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes.
RESPONSE PROCEDURE: This information is provided to assist firms interested in submitting a letter of response for this project. The information provided in the letter of response will be the basis for selection. It is the responsibility of the firms responding to this advertisement to provide sufficient information to enable the Hernando County MPO and the Department to make a selection. The letter of response shall conform to all advertisement requirements established under this Notice to Professional Consultants. Qualified consultants are encouraged to submit a letter of response to Hernando County Metropolitan Planning Organization by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight time on the date indicated as the Response Deadline. The letter of response shall not exceed 3 pages and should, as a minimum, include the following information:
a. Consultant’s name and address
b. Proposed responsible office for consultant
c. Contact person, phone number, fax number, and Internet Email Address
d. Statement regarding prequalification of consultant in advertised type of work
e. Key personnel and their titles and/or classification (do not include resumes)
f. Subconsultant(s) that may be used for the project
Relevant past experiences
g. Indication as to whether the prime firm and/or subconsultants are disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE)
Special Notes:
The Hernando County MPO and Department will not consider letters not in conformance with response requirements. Consultants who are interested in this project may obtain a copy of the Scope of Services outlined by contacting Dennis Dix at (352)754-4057, extension 28014.
Major Work:
13.3 Policy Planning
13.4 Systems Planning
13.5 Subarea/Corridor Planning
Project Description:
General Planning services to include all or part of the following: multi-modal long range transportation planning, financial planning, corridor studies, congestion and other management systems planning, aviation planning, bicycle and pedestrian planning, transit services planning, transportation disadvantaged planning and traffic circulation studies.
Letters of Response Address:
Three (3) copies to:Hernando County Metropolitan
Planning OrganizationAttention: Dennis Dix, AICP
20 North Main Street, Room 262
Brooksville, FL 34601
Telephone: (352)754-4057, ext. 28014
One (1) copy to:Florida Department of Transportation
District SevenAttention: Becky Schwarz, MS 7-700
Consultant Contract Administrator
11201 North McKinley Drive
Tampa, Florida 33612-6403
Telephone: (813)975-6469
Letter of Response Deadline: October 23, 2009, 5:00 p.m. (EDT)
Planned Short List Date: November 13, 2009
Planned Ranking Date: December 31, 2009
Planned Final Selection Date: January 26, 2010