Application and Permit Insurance  




    14-10.057Application and Permit Insurance


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 46 No. 186, September 23, 2020 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    14-10.057 Vegetation Management Application and Permit Issuance.

    (1) Permit Required.

    (a) No person or entity may remove, cut, or trim trees, shrubs, or herbaceous plants on the Department’s right of way to make visible or to ensure future visibility of off-premise outdoor advertising signs without Department approval of an Application to Permit Vegetation Management at Outdoor Advertising Sign, Form  650-050-06, Rev. 106/2019, which is incorporated herein by reference at and available electronically at For purposes of this rule, the use of chemical control constitutes removing, cutting, or trimming, depending on the impact on the tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant. The Application must be submitted to the State Outdoor Advertising Administrator, at the address referenced in Rules. 14-10.0011(2), F.A.C., of this rule chapter or through the on-line portal. This rule does not apply to requests to trim or remove vegetation that screens signs that are not permitted by the Department pursuant to Sections. 479.07, F.S.

    (b) No change

    (c) The Application Package shall contain the completed application and:

    1. through 4. No change

    5. TheA non-refundable application fee isof $25.00. The non-refundable application fee shall be a total of $200.00 for more than eight applications submitted simultaneously within the same Department District. If payment is by check, the fee submitted with an aApplication must be paid separately from fees for other types of permits.

    6. No change

    (d) No change

    (e) An Application will not be approved:

    1. through 9. No change

    10. To remove, cut, or trim trees, shrubs, or herbaceous plants within the right of way of a roadway section to which a sign is not permitted, or proposed to be permitted, or to remove, cut, or trim trees, shrubs, or herbaceous plants within the right of way outside of the 1,000 feet view zone parameter in Sections. 479.106(6)(b), F.S.

    (f) through (h) No change

    (2) through (3) No change

    (4) Mitigation. An applicant shall mitigate in accordance with this rule chapter for the impact to vegetation from removal, cutting, trimming, or accidental damage of vegetation on the Department’s right of way.

    (a) No change

    (b) Where mitigation is necessary, the applicant will provide with the Application for Vegetation Management an appraisal prepared by a qualified individual as defined in above paragraph (1)(b) using the appropriate appraisal method found in Determining the Mitigation Value of Roadside Vegetation, Rev. 10/20, which is incorporated herein by reference at The appraised value of the vegetation to be cut and removed will be the required mitigation subject to Department verification of the completeness and accuracy of mitigation calculations.

    1. through 2. No change

    (c) Mitigation is not required for the following activities:

    1. through 2. No change

    3. Removal of invasive exotic plants as listed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in Rule Chapter 5B-57, F.A.C., Introduction or Release of Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, Arthropods, and Biological Control Agents, and Rule 5B-64.011, F.A.C., Prohibited Aquatic Plants.

    4. through 7. No change

    (5) through (6) No change

    Rulemaking Authority 334.044(2), 479.02(7), FS. Law Implemented 334.044(26), 337.405, 479.106 FS. History–New 1-19-99, Amended 2-7-02, 2-8-06, 12-24-08,,                       . Formerly 14-40.030.

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Related Rules: (1)
14-10.057. Application and Permit Insurance