Department of Education, Florida Gulf Coast University  



    Florida Gulf Coast University


    Florida Gulf Coast University, on behalf of Florida Gulf Coast University Board of Trustees, announces that Professional Services in the discipline of master planning will be required for the project listed below:

    Project No. BR-1072

    Project: Campus Master Plan Update 2015, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida

    Description of Project:

    The project consists of updating the current University’s comprehensive campus master plan. Emphasis will be directed toward the resolution of goals and objectives regarding components of the comprehensive plan that have illustrated growth over the past five years. The planning effort will continue to preserve the integrity of the original master plan while strategically aligning the University for Future Growth. The services will include:

    1.The development of an Evaluation and Appraisal Report that reviews and appraises implementation of the 2010 Campus Master Plan and provides assistance in confirmation of a projected facilities program for future enrollment accommodation. These facilities will include research, academic, student life, support, housing, parking, infrastructure, utilities, athletics, recreation, and others to be determined in terms of capacity, density, cost, visibility, availability of infrastructure, pedestrian and vehicular access, etc.

    2.              Development of a comprehensive Campus Master Plan Update 2015 document, which fulfills statutory requirements, including determination of impacts to the Level of Service (LOS) of services/roadways, potential public hearings, and assistance to FGCU in providing information for updating the Development Agreement with host municipality.

    The 2015 Year Master Plan will be updated in accordance with Section 1013.30, Florida Statue, and Rule Chapter 6C-21, Florida Administrative Code. The required Elements include Future Land Use, Transportation, Housing, General Infrastructure, Conservation, Recreation and Open Space, Intergovernmental Coordination, and Capital Improvements. Ten optional Elements included are Academic Mission, Academic Program, Urban Design, Academic Facilities, Support Facilities, Utilities, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Facilities Maintenance, and Coastal Management. The successful consultant must demonstrate experience in Campus Planning, including LEED, Sustainability, and resolution of parking and traffic issues, as well as familiarity with statutory and administrative rule requirements. The successful Consultants team must demonstrate the ability to assess the impacts of University facilities development on campus and public facilities/services. Major components that may be included in the services consist of storm water capacity/conveyance/management, chilled water capacity/conveyance, traffic/transportation/parking and campus way finding/signage studies. The successful consultant team must demonstrate experience in sustainable campus planning, including resolution of pedestrian, bike, transit, and traffic issues, as well as familiarity with statutory and administrative rule requirements. The University is seeking consultants with experience in campus master planning, local government comprehensive planning and concurrency management.

    The current FGCU 2010 Campus Master Plan can be viewed on-line at the FGCU Facilities Planning website


    The selected firm shall provide comprehensive consulting services for the referenced project. Any proposed Sub-consultants, as required by the Primary Consultant firm to meet project scope requirements, shall be identified by the generic discipline on the Professional Qualifications Supplements (PQS) form, but shall not be identified by firm name, unless services are provided within the primary consulting firm. Sub-consultant firms shall be recommended after selection, at the time of contract negotiations, for the University’s approval.

    Selection of finalist for interview will be made on the basis of the following criterion and associated point values.

    a.Professional qualifications of the proposed design team members, including experience and ability to meet the project requirements goals and objectives of the University’s strategic plan (30 Points)

    b.Past experience with similar University Master Planning projects (30 points)

    c.Design ability(20 Points)

    d.Volume of work (10 Points)

    e.Distance from project (10 Points)

    Florida Gulf Coast University is an equal opportunity institution, and, as such, strongly encourages the lawful use of certified Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprises (“MBEs”) in the provision of design services. The selected firm will be required to provide computer-generated drawings according to the standards of FGCU. Project development, including professional services, is contingent upon availability of funds. Additional Campus Master Plan Update services may be added to the contract scope for this project subject to the availability of need.


    Firms desiring to apply for consideration shall submit a letter of application. The letter of application should have attached:

    1. A completed Florida Gulf Coast University “Professional Qualifications Supplement,” dated May 2010. Applications on any other form will not be considered.
    2. A copy of the applicant’s current Professional Registration Certificate from the appropriate governing board. An application must be properly registered at the time of application to practice its profession in the State of Florida. If the applicant is a corporation, it must be chartered by the State Department of State to operate in Florida.

    3.              Experience in comprehensive campus planning for major academic institutions in urban/suburban environments.

    4.              Experience in campus planning in regard to American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment.

    5.              Familiarity with Campus Master Planning statutory and administrative rule requirements.

    6.              Demonstrate experience in the resolution of traffic and parking issues and coordination with multi-modal transportation linkages.

    7.              Demonstrates the ability to assess and plan for the economic and infrastructure impacts of university growth and development on both on-campus and off-campus facilities such as storm water management, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, roads, parks and recreation facilities.

    8.              Ability to prepare computer generated master plan maps, figures and text revisions in accordance with the standards of the Florida Gulf Coast University.

    9.              Experience with local government comprehensive plans and concurrency management.

    10.              Role of team members on similar scale master plan projects.

    11.              The volume of work that the firm has currently under contract.

    12.              The distance of the office where the work will be performed from the FGCU campus. Preference will be given to firms that have an office in Southwest Florida.


    To be determined


    The anticipated schedule for selection, award and negotiation is as follows:

    Last Day to Submit Questions:November 13, 2013

    Submittals Due:November 27, 2013

    Shortlisting:To Be Determined

    Final Interviews:To Be Determined

    Selection Recommendation Approval:To Be Determined

    Contract Negotiation:To be Determined


    1.              All applicants will be notified of the results of the short listing in writing. Finalists will be informed of the interview date and time and will be provided with additional information, if available.

    2.              The Selection Committee will make a recommendation to the President of the University. All finalists will be notified in writing of the President’s action. Upon approval by the President, negotiations will be conducted in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statues.

    3.              Professional liability insurance is not required for this project.

    4.              A pre-submittal meeting will not be held. Any requested clarifications by interested applicants must be received in writing or email by November 13, 2013. Any requests after this date will not receive a response.

    5.              No verbal communication shall take place between the applicants and the employees of the Florida Gulf Coast University. Requests for meetings by individual teams will not be granted. Members of the Selection Committee or other University personnel will not meet with or discuss the project with prospective applicants.

    6.              The Selection Committee may waive any irregularities and may reject all proposals and stop the selection process at any time. Five (5) copies of the requested submittal data shall be delivered to:

    Tom Mayo, Director of Facilities Planning

    10501 FGCU Blvd. South

    Fort Myers, Florida 33965-6565

    Phone: (239)590-1500

    The “Professional Qualifications Supplements (PQS)”, which includes project information and selection criteria, may be obtained at or by contacting Lidia Hernandez, Facilities Planning, via e-mail at, by mail at 10501 FGCU Blvd. South, Fort Myers, Florida 33965-6565, or by phone at (239)590-1500.

    Submittals must be received in the Facilities Planning Office, Edwards Hall —Room 217 by 3:00 p.m. local time, on November 27, 2013. Facsimile (FAX) submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered.

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